"Cancer therapy is most commonly used mushrooms Red Reishi Mushroom. Red Reishi mushroom effect against cancer are toxic to cancer cells, the effect nui nalu of reducing inflammation and immune modulatory effect is connected. nui nalu Is most effective early breast cancer, prostate and lung cancer are from. "
Types of cancer cases increasing every day and, increasingly rejuvenation nui nalu of the age limit for this disease we brought into nightmares. So what is this malady, to get rid of this malady, is it possible to avoid, remedy is there?
For us to sustain our lives, so the constant renewal of our cells need to multiply by dividing. Fill the lifetime of the cells excreted from the body, the new ones are formed. This balance is under the control of our genes. Some genes on cell proliferation while others will restrain the cell proliferation.
Childhood outside the senescent cells are almost equal to those made with the new. So mechanisms In terms of cancer, the cell proliferation restrained nui nalu inability, namely the destruction rather than construction nui nalu to be given addır.beslen to, air pollution, radiation, cigarette smoking, environmental pollution, food additives and a variety of toxins his damaged gene function to impair (mutation) cells for excessive reproduce . Rein in excessive growth of cells, genes that decrease the activity or because they can not deal with these excesses cancer or other environmental factors oluşur.yi What we found in our DNA binding anticancer agents is damaged. Damage to a critical level reaches nui nalu the normal cells are transformed into cancer cells. A healthy human body in the protective mechanisms nui nalu of DNA repair enzymes and other genes clears 90 percent of the damage within 24 hours. Each day, about 10 thousand of mutation in human cells would. DNA repair enzymes or inadequate if they are running or mutations that lead to cancer quickly. DNA repair nui nalu capacity of the cells is limited, is not infinite. Therefore it is extremely important gene protective mechanisms. The most important factor in the protection of Gene feeding them nutrients and vitamins. And Reishi Mushroom Cancer | Cancer cause of the rapid increase in hereditary, environmental factors?
Cancer, the second leading nui nalu cause of death all over the world most disease group (the first cardiovascular diseases). In 1900, 3 percent in the U.S. death rate from cancer in 2000, increased to 24 percent. So the death rate from cancer in the United States century has increased 8-fold. Some experts in cancer tied to an increase in life expectancy, this is a false belief. Because the total population aged over 65 in the same time, the ratio increased to 12 percent from 4 percent. So tripled; against eight three-fold. So the increase in cancer is not the main cause of the increase of the elderly population. "The rapid increase in the development of cancer in the role of hereditary factors is not much."
Cancer is also changing by geography. Medical facilities are extremely low in developing nui nalu countries have very little cancer. But people who live here a year or two after he emigrated to developed countries, cancer incidence nui nalu is rising. These cases of cancer, is due to environmental causes rather than genetic causes and suggest it could have been prevented. Because unless there is an excessive increase in consanguineous marriages not possible to increase genetic nui nalu diseases. And Reishi Mushroom Cancer | Cancer causes lethal?
In about 80 percent of cancer is unclear why. More than half of the cases of lung, colon, breast and prostate cancers is created. Lung cancer despite being more interested in nutrition is associated with the consumption of cigarettes. Colon, breast and prostate cancers are mostly related nui nalu to feeding. AIDS, and Epstein-Barr virus (kissing disease), and infections such as hepatitis B virus include the primary causes of cancer. This disease is rarely seen in people who eat healthy. Meanwhile, among the major reasons of radiation, electromagnetic waves, pesticides, food additives, genetically modified foods, heavy metals and other chemical toxins, physical and chemical pest is taking the lead. Cancer and Reishi Mushroom | Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can prevent tumor growth?
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can reduce tumor growth but does not always destroy tumors. Even if there are no possibility of recurrence of the tumor. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery consisting of multiple organ tumor efficacy of conventional nui nalu cancer therapy is now in the plateau began to draw. Now a noticeable increase in treatment success does not happen. Also standard is an acute toxicity during treatment is a significant risk to occur. Therefore, to reduce the toxicity of conventional treatments and tumor melter tools to increase the impact of cancer treatment can increase success. Here macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids is one of these tools. And Reishi Mushroom Cancer | Cancer early detection measures in (mammography, tumor markers, etc.) please give information about?
S for each cancer