Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Komunistisen League members, and both 32nd degree Masons, draw up the Communist Manifesto (1848), elitist control plan, which is quoted in close Clinton Roosevelt's book. Quote this were the progressive prodavnica igracaka income tax, perimisoikeuden removal, the central bank, centralized transportation and communications network, prodavnica igracaka wasteland utilization, free public prodavnica igracaka education, prodavnica igracaka the abolition of child labor. (Robert Freedman: The Marxist System / 1990, p. 142-244)
The Jewish advertised and recommended that FDR's New Deal programs. The Jews supported the Roosevelt unanimously 1932-36. Although prodavnica igracaka some degradation occurred in 1940 and 1944 still at least 90% of Jews voted for him. (
Dwight Eisenhower did not stop the New Deal, but expanded it. Lyndon B. Johnson used the New Deal policies in order to create "high society". Richard Nixon retained many of the programs. The New Deal, regulators and programs have remained intact, even the original names below. Even more interesting is that FDR took office in 04/03/1933, was allowed to act Title 12, U.S. Code Section 95 (b). According to the President of 03/04/1933 from the President or the Minister of Finance Acts are automatically recognized and reinforced. According to this, members of Congress would not have to read or to vote in the presidential performances, because since 1933 all have been automatically approved and in force. Thus, for example. Including prodavnica igracaka Obama's prodavnica igracaka Health Insurance Act. (Http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/12/2/IV/95b, viewed 4/12/2014)
FDR appointed their administration, plenty of radicals in the Fabian Socialists, Stalin's apologists and the Communists. FDR and his Jewish wife Eleanor were also the Chinese Communists friends. (Hamilton Fish: FDR: The Other Side of The Coin: How We Were Tricked into World War II / 2005, p. 7-8), Harry Hopkins, FDR's adviser, contributed to major decisions and practices. He was represented by Bernard Baruch and international prodavnica igracaka Jewish banking cartel. From 1937 to May 1944 Hopkins and Baruch were in constant prodavnica igracaka communication prodavnica igracaka with each other. (The Harry Hopkins Papers: Series I - Correspondence prodavnica igracaka http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/hopslsl.htm viewed 9/14/2013)
Soviet agent Whittaker Chambers claimed that FDR was essentially a puppet and a group of Jews and the Communists led to the reality of the country. This group consisted of Baruch (TN: In the second paragraph Spingola says King of the Jews been called Baruch was FDR's central "Handler." He was a wealthy prodavnica igracaka businessman and banker, who from a young age was a contributor to several presidential and clearly a key player in the juutalaiseliitin, who served as president of several, prodavnica igracaka but the most visible and well-known prodavnica igracaka Wilson and FDR), Samuel Rosenman, Raymond Moley, Felix Frankfurter, Henry Morgenthau, Sr. and Jr., Harry Dexter White (TN: he too Jewish), Alger Hiss, Benjamin J. Cardozo, Charles W. Taussig, Nathan Margold, Charles Wyszynski, Leo Wolman, Rose Schneiderman, Isadore Lubin, Jr., Sol Rosenblatt, Jerome Frank, Mordecai Ezekiel, Herbert Feis, David Maurice Karp, Robert Freshner, Robert Strauss, Donald Rich Berg, Ferdinand Pecora, Samuel prodavnica igracaka Untermeyer, James Landis, Samuel Dickstein, Herbert Lehman, James P. Warburg, prodavnica igracaka David Stern, Henry Horner, Louis Kerstein, Benjamin prodavnica igracaka V . Cohen, Walter Lippmann, William C. Bullitt (TN: Note, also a Jew), Adolf Berle, Joseph Proskauer, Nathan Margolin, Abe Fortas, Saul Padover, Albert Arent, Felix Cohen and hundreds of other Jews. (Allen Weinstein, Alexander Vassiliev: The Haunted Wood / 2000, p. 38-44; Donn de Grand Pré: Barbarians Inside the Gates: The Black Book of Bolshevism, Book I / 2000, p. 89-90; Hasia R. Diner The Jews of the United States 1654 to 2000/2004, p. 237) FDR appointed Harvard law professor of political science Felix Frankfurt (p. Vienna) was a judge of the Supreme Court. He was FDR's legal adviser for national policy creation and management of important stations appointment prodavnica igracaka decisions. Washington Insider, often referred to as president of the items in Frankfurt (John Beaty: The Iron Curtain Over America / 1968, p. 58-59)
Frankfurt's protege Henry Morgenthau, Jr., and Dean Acheson called Maxim Litvinov (originally called prodavnica igracaka Litvinov Finkelstein) to finalize the US diplomatic relations between the re-opening of Neuvostoliittioon. Litvinov was one of the konspiraattoreista important meeting of Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, and Kaganovitshin in addition to Switzerland, prodavnica igracaka just before the revolution (Des Griffin: Descent into Slavery prodavnica igracaka / 2001, p. 64-69) Acheson had been a Justice Brandeis lakiklerkki and he had served Stalin as a lawyer before FDR recognized the Soviet Union. (Beaty p. 51-53) Litvinov receive one of the first of FDR's prodavnica igracaka actions as president. FDR did not listen to patriotic organizations and other stakeholders and consulted in Congress, prodavnica igracaka but recognized the N-union 11/16/1933 and allow it to set up embassy, etc.., He took the advice kommunisteil
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