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(Smiljani, 1856. - New York, 1943). One is the largest, while the least recognized inventors of the XX century. Born in Croatia, Lika family of Serbian origin, and used to say, "I am proud of the Serbian race and Croatian homeland." Primary and secondary school attended in Smiljana, Gospic and Karlovac, studied in Graz, Austria. His inventions in the field of electrical engineering and discoveries in physics have left a strong mark on the world not only science, but their use is reflected in the improvement of quality of life in general, pvr cinemas goregaon for which he won the title of "the man who invented the 20th century" .
Among other things, he invented the AC motor (izmenichna of electricity), which is the foundation of today's electrical propulsion. While his colleague Thomas A. Edison advocated istosmernata electricity, Tesla revealed povekjefaznoto power supply and transformer, thus allowing cheap electricity transmission high voltage over long distances and its wide application. He is considered pvr cinemas goregaon the father of radio, although the merits of his life in this area claimed Marconi. Injustice is corrected in 1943 when the US Supreme Court ruled that Tesla belongs to the primacy of the field of radio, but despite this compensation, the radio today associated with Marconi. The discovery of radio communication is considered one of his greatest inventions. He also worked on the wireless transmission of electrical energy (his last major project was the construction of a huge tower on Long Island), he discovered X-rays and electrons, and its findings were predecessors and modern weapons such as cruise missiles and Internet because even a hundred years advocated the idea of "world system for connecting communications in one system."
He left more than 700 patents, and many of his inventions are still shrouded in secrecy. The man who was a pioneer in the technological development of the modern pvr cinemas goregaon era, died in New York without public recognition, forgotten and lonely. For this injustice to the "wizard of electricity" speaks the fact that three Nobel prizes were awarded to the inventions pvr cinemas goregaon that were pioneer Tesla - JJ Thompson was awarded for the discovery of the electron, C. Roentgen for his discovery of X-rays and D. Marconi for the invention of radio. Tesla however recent decades has become pvr cinemas goregaon a kind of scientific icon. In his honor, the unit of magnetic induction pvr cinemas goregaon is named Tesla, and in modern times is the brand of car to electric drive. Interesting is the fact that he spoke eight languages fluently even.
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War in the hospital? The sisters were put in drink cure for wetting film that Tito and Stalin quarreled 1948 | Josip Broz was furious, because the Soviets fought domestic actors pvr cinemas goregaon orgies Carnival Ljubanci pvr cinemas goregaon | venerable tradition Autistic d
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