Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Vaci utca 84, Budapest V. , dist -. 1051

VIII. district, commercial space for rent in Horváth Mihály tér, near the Corvin Quarter |
Location: Estate at Budapest I. dist. Budapest II. dist. Budapest III. dist. Budapest IV. dist. Budapest V. dist. Budapest VI. dist. Budapest. dist. Budapest VIII. dist. Budapest IX. dist. Budapest X. dist. Budapest. dist. Budapest XII. dist. Budapest XIII. dist. Budapest XIV. dist. Budapest XV. dist. Budapest XVI. dist. Budapest XVII. dist. Budapest XVIII. dist. Budapest XIX. dist. Budapest XX. dist. Budapest XXI. dist. Budapest XXII. dist. Budapest XXIII. dist. Type: Select a type of flat panel brick home office / commercial space house
Property type: Warehouse duane reade locations / Commercial space Rent: 50 thousand Heating: Size: 32 sqm Location: Budapest VIII. dist. Title: Running street Floor: entrance street Rooms: 1 A detailed description of the property VIII. District, Street Runner Michael Horvath area near the Corvin Quarter edge overlooking the street is for rent, 32 sqm retail space. Electricity and water in there, no gas. Toilets duane reade locations and showers, respectively. is a sink. The joint cost of 4,760 kisközért Previously, respectively. operated a grocery there. The rent is 50,000 / month 2 months deposit required. You can call even outside the normal working hours or on weekends please contact us.
More apartments for rent
Vaci utca 84, Budapest V. , dist -. 1051
Number of Rooms: 1
I am proud that I managed duane reade locations to work our method will crystallize to offer a reasonable price, good housing parameters within 1-3 weeks to find a tenant who meets the owner's expectations.
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