Monday, March 30, 2015

Zygmunt Bauman writes

One of the major problems of today's society, or issue that is treated as a problem in society shopping in hawaii is the issue of drugs. The representations of drug users are varied there is no consensus about it in society, if we can find a consensus on anything in any society, if not in total institutions where ducts are said almost perfect, we find such consensus.
As for the questioning of drugs, we can say that there is in society, for a significant portion of the population, and for certain groups, shopping in hawaii a view that there is a serious problem. A problem because of the physical, psychological and social effects that drugs can cause.
Another thing that is present in society is the sport, appearing in various forms, as a necessity, as a way to make money as a form of leisure, and as a picture of a war between peoples. The issue of dealing with the sport as a necessity will be very important for the analysis of drug-related shopping in hawaii sport, with the issue of money not getting behind too.
To make this analysis shopping in hawaii of drugs in sport will I regard on three points. shopping in hawaii The first is the sport as an escape valve of the drug world. The second is the issue of doping in sport very present today, especially if we speak of high performance sport. The third point is the issue of drugs related shopping in hawaii to a fear, the malaise of post-modernity, a reference shopping in hawaii to Bauman and the issue of fear in postmodernity.
Rather, try to make an analysis between theoretical sociology and anthropology in relation to drug use, raises the question of drug users are marginalized in society. After pass for the three main points that I propose in this article relating the sport drug making a sociological analysis shopping in hawaii on that.
One very important thing that needs to be always remembered is that the author of this article does not bother to define a good or a bad towards drugs, but try to make a description of how this is the relationship between drugs and sport, trying not to fall in judgment.
collections of articles organized by Rosilene Alvim and Edísio Ferreira Jr. along with UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba) there is an article talking shopping in hawaii about drug use in youth is entitled "Travel Notes, adolescence and drug use" written by the anthropologist Roberto shopping in hawaii K. Pacheco. shopping in hawaii In the middle of description that, Pacheco shopping in hawaii speaks of drug addicts shopping in hawaii and that these are "the scum of society", and that the use of drugs is the last explanation of the acts, as if there were an established and that the use of drugs is dirt order that threatens the order. Pacheco puts narcissism and demonization terms to talk about drugs.
Another article in this collection "(Re) construction of Youth Culture and Contemporary Representations" is what is called "Youth and the intensive use of drugs today" by Maria de Souza Vieira of Socorro. The author speaks of drug use as search reason for life, support shopping in hawaii for decision-making, seeking admiration and highlighted, shopping in hawaii and speaks of a direct connection with emotional shopping in hawaii needs. Viera then always puts an unhealthy character in drug users, as if somehow, even physically being marginalized in society.
Another work that deals with it is the anthropologist Felipe Evangelista Andrade Silva, who did his graduate thesis thesis entitled "The jungle of representations, meanings of drug use among Usuari @ s in the university." The author puts different looks in relation shopping in hawaii to drug use beyond the vision of the users, also describing the "user culture". Another thing that puts Silva are the different representations of poisoning dangers it being voluntary and involuntary. Speaking the author of danger quotes Mary Douglas studying the danger theoretically in the book "Purity and Danger".
In his work Mary Douglas states that there is an order in society, but there is no concrete disorder, but an abstract disorder that molds according to ideas and this combination results danger. If all you offer risk were treated as dangerous things like crossing the street, eating and cutting hair would be a huge result, they offer a risk, but the notion of danger is always selected and focused on certain things according to the issues societal values.
Zygmunt Bauman writes "Evil-being of Post-Modernity," in this work Bauman speaks of drug abuse and other things as connected to the "dangerous" group of postmodernity (those who can not fit into the logic of consumption). Such citizen would be one to beat in postmodernity. Drug abuse among other things is the symbolization of existing sin in such citizens.
The UNFDAC (United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control) organized a bout that is entitled "Drug Abuse among boys and girls

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