Monday, June 16, 2014

2013 (10) January (10) 2012 (1) February (1) 2011 (4) May (4) REMEMBER MAJANA (I) on th

A woman with a long nose attracted storcenter the attention of us with short noses. It was ugly. Everywhere is driven by your nose. She was rude. As someone with a big nose can enter the room in which they are all fine noses? She is someone to hurt, to destroy him for life. If she is so screwed, does not mean that others must bear the burden of her accident. She was in love. Better to say that her nose was in love, as the nose wearing her, not she him. It's a shame for the city, a disgrace to the place where we were. What a misunderstanding with the world. Where it just right to move with such a nose. I sat and watched in disbelief storcenter to wonder who is pulling for you. She laughed, storcenter exchanged storcenter gestures of love with his wife. How did he put up with that nose? Maybe he did not see beyond his nose. Have escaped the language in that coffee, it is a good work out, but she do not know. Probably all the frayed edges of cups and not noticing what he was doing. How could she? Yes, certainly the waiters gave her just the same one cup. They were guarded by her, and when he saw her whispered to one another
Well, that's the girl with the long nose deserved to have his cup. However, we should fight for such a special place. Stretch, stretch storcenter your nose, turati him everywhere until he gets the final length, and the length storcenter and depth of the honorary going places. I'm starting now that zavidim.Ko knows how many of them drank from the cup from which I drink now! Who knows how many noses are baškarilo on the edge of my cup! I can not even imagine, and now my nose mixed with all those noses. Ah, and I want a big nose, and I want your cup! People, get me in the nose, pulling it, squeeze it, tear, pull, pull, pull! And now, panting, red-faced, and in the nose, that is, on the nose, are rubbing their hands, proudly showing everyone his long nose and expect to start the search procedure a cup of coffee especially for my length, cups that will only serve me. Me and my nose. And on the other side of the room, she sat and looked at me and thought - my God, what a nose is this man?!
2013 (10) January (10) 2012 (1) February (1) 2011 (4) May (4) REMEMBER MAJANA (I) on the walls of mRNA PAST WOMEN with long NOSE

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