Thursday, July 31, 2014

Political poetry is often looked down upon compared to the modernist poetry. In each case, the poli

Inger Hagerup made his debut as a lyricist with the collection I got lost in the woods in 1939. Collection is central houseof fraser lyrical, and most of the poems deals with the big questions in life: Love, longing, sorrow, death and impermanence. Hagerup printer with a solemn fervor houseof fraser that few of today's poets get away with without seeming pompous and humid. But the combination of that sincerity seems so heartfelt and Hagerup has such a clear and certain language makes it work for a modern reader anyway. Many of the poems are written in rhyme, and the use of symbols is classic. As a whole, the collection is accessible and nice to read. But some of the poems stand out from the whole and make a strong impression.
Maybe because the collection's main theme policy is so well known in poetry context, I was most interested in the poems dealing houseof fraser with the ominous spread of racial thinking in Europe Hagerup contemporary. Especially because the collection houseof fraser was published in 1939, when World War II was just around the corner. As with Arnulf Øverland and Nordahl houseof fraser Grieg wrote Inger Hagerup poems that openly denounced Nazism.
Political poetry is often looked down upon compared to the modernist poetry. In each case, the political poetry that does not attempt to pack the message houseof fraser into the ambiguous symbols and cryptic language. But why Hagerup førkrigsdikt makes such a huge impression on me, just that she does not let aesthetics houseof fraser be more important than the theme. Lest against its historical context glows political poems, "The Plague", "Legend" and "Earth Discovery Year 3000" by the commitment and compassion, and the poems are no less powerful of the message is crystal clear.
In "The Plague" is race abstractions violent dark side portrayed as a disease that wander over the earth, relentlessly heading north. "He walked across Africa's arid mold of fever yellow feet." "It has wrapped dictator cloak about her exuding wounds and covered her swollen belly with a bishop velvet red chasuble." Racism and anti-Semitism can be hidden behind a beautiful facade and alluring rhetoric, but the flamboyant beauty camouflages moral decay and brutality.
The poem reminds me of the Black Death ravages Europe in the 1300s. But unlike the bubonic plague that can affect anyone, involves the rise of Nazism an attack on specific groups. An illness with violence, murder and disclaimer consequence. houseof fraser Racial thinking tainting people it infects, and linked in the poem closely with hate evil; "And when it did tear the nails of an old Jew sobbed the laughter." The poem begins and ends with a call to hoist the black flag and draw a cross on the door to distance himself from the plague that is upon the earth. Human thinking is Hosting houseof fraser a pandemic, a plague with fatal consequences.
Both poems are characterized by the fighting spirit and resistance, and an uncompromising contempt for brutality and abuse. In my head formed these two poems quickly a before and an after, which emphasized the horror the weeping, yellow fever, and swollen hideous plague and what condition it would leave Europe especially in.
"Plague" is in the collection followed by "Legend", a poem which Hagerup defines human strength. The location in the collection, the two poems that examines racial hatred, it makes sense to read the poem as Hagerup corrective to abuses of power dictator, bishop and professor in "The Plague" intoxicated. The strongest, according to the poem "does not he who with fiery eyes land on his enemy's neck," he who has the power and limitless possibilities on their side and can do as he pleases. No.
The poem is full of pathos and intensity, and again it is the context that gives the poem clout. Especially the last line "but his own desire." houseof fraser In any other context would poem appeared as words of comfort to the stately, with a bit stale aftertaste of self-help. But placed between the two poems in the collection that examines racism houseof fraser and oppression, the message becomes vital and profound seriousness.
The poem in the collection that made the greatest impression is still "Earth Discovery year 3000". Archaeologists in the year 3000 has taken a huge collection of "strange creatures" in a concrete hunting underground. Archaeologists consider these strange creatures with a frivolous and condescending attitude. The poem creates a tragic and sharp irony in that archaeologists have a Nazi view of race and live in a society consisting exclusively of pure race of people where all undesirable traits are cleared away for many centuries ago. Other breeds they meet only in the form of relics, and they pose to archaeologists houseof fraser a comical and disgusting sight. It makes an impression with the poem, are the many associations it evokes the Hitler-Germany's racial policies and methods of mass murder.
For a modern reader is massegr

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

In working with the articles I searched through a vast source epad ersys material - mostly availabl

For magazine online, I found until their story and present the Norwegian heroes in the U.S. - and what they did. However, due to several redesign of, is unfortunately the case unreadable today. Therefore, one would praise here on iKeg!
DOUBLE epad ersys FULLY Ludwig Andreas Olsen Oslo is one of only 19 people in history to have been awarded the Medal of Honor twice. He served aboard the USS Lackawanna, boat right in this sketch. Illustration stems from the boat's early history, the Battle of Mobile Bay during the American Civil War.
LOUIS WILLIAMS, born Ludwig Andreas Olsen in Oslo in 1845, was also naval captain in the United States after having emigrated to California. He is one of a total of 19 people in history to have won America's highest honor twice. No one has won more.
"For jumping overboard from the USS Lackawanna, 16 March 1883 at Honolulu, and saved Thomas Moran from drowning." And "As serving on board the USS Lackawanna, saved Williams William Cruise from drowning after he fell overboard at Callao Peru on June 13, 1884. "
6 KILLED: Hans Johnsen and torpedo boat Winslow landed under heavy fire at Cardenas, Cuba. Six of the crew were killed, including Ensign Worth Bagley, the only American officer who died in the war.
Along with two other boats were to examine the harbor in the Cuban city of Cardenas in search of Spanish ships. Here they landed in a bloody battle against the forces of the country and the armored Spanish tug Antonio Lopez.
11 May 1898 the crew of the USS Nashville and the USS Marblehead tasked to cut the undersea cables between Cienfuegos in Cuba and Spain. A team from each boat taking with them what they had tools and implements, and used rowboat for getting so close to shore as possible to get the cables so that they could be cut.
You can read a description of the crew of the drama. They had to as close as 10-15 meters from the shore to hold the cables. On a cliff above the Spanish soldiers stood ready in their positions, and when they discovered what was about to happen, started bullets.
Mothership USS Nashville even had to subject themselves to the utmost danger by heading to the country to support the seemingly doomed soldiers. But the cables were cut and mission accomplished. All of the USS Nashville won the coveted honor medal that day.
ANTON OLSEN born 26 April 1867 in Oslo emigrated to Massachusetts. He also took part in the dangerous operation during the Spanish-American Civil War when the cables epad ersys should be cut between Cuba and Spain.
"On board the USS Marblehead during the operation of cutting the cable from Cienfuegos, Cuba, 11 May 1898. During heavy hostile shelling Olsen showed exceptional fortitude and vigor during this conflict."
Fight alone: Søndfjordingen Thomas Remove were part of a flanking force when the U.S. advancing none met with great resistance by Paet Luzon in the Philippines. Flanking force was almost annihilated, the Remove ultimately was the only back who could fight against the overwhelming enemy force. There, he kept order and protected their dead and wounded comrades until reinforcements managed epad ersys to win the fight for him.
ANDREW V. STOLTENBERG was born in Norway, probably in Bodø, and emigrated to California. As enlisted artillery man in the U.S. Navy he earned the medal of honor during epad ersys the war in the Philippines on 16 July 1900.
MARTIN TORINUS TORGERSON was born on 7 November 1875 at a place to be named Olees (Ålesund? Red adm) in Norway. He emigrated to Virginia and served as artillerigast in the U.S. Navy during the so-called Boxer Rebellion in China in the early 1900's.
Unfortunately, little specific about his merits 13, 20, 21, and 22 June 1900. Probably he participated along with about 45,000 allies in the bloody fighting to reclaim Tianjin and Beijing this summer.
20 Norwegians epad ersys have been awarded America's highest honor, The Congressional Medal of Honor. This is the reunion with a series of articles in three parts I wrote for online magazine - a presentation of these heroes who made himself famous in the U.S. but which are unknown in their homeland. This is the first article in the series.
In working with the articles I searched through a vast source epad ersys material - mostly available on the internet. Most sources are linked directly to the text, and are clickable. But some of the most important here: Naval Historical epad ersys Center, CMOHS official page, U.S. Army, Find A Grave,, Wikipedia
You must be a U.S. citizen to be awarded the medal, but one has to serve in a U.S. entity. Foster The medal was awarded on March 25, 1863. They last for Private Ross A. McGinnis to have thrown himself over a grenade to save his comrades' lives in Iraq, Dec. 4, 2006. He was 19 years old. Total has been awarded the 3448 medal. Only 98 of them are alive today. 19 has become

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Like over bakketoppen kommer vi til et fasjonabelt hjem som skiller seg ut fra andre ved sin glasser

Noen kaller Stavern for kystens smilehull og det er ikke vanskelig å være enig i en slik beskrivelse. tanger outlet mebane Stavern har egentlig vært et bosettingssted, en havn og/eller ankringssted siden oldtiden. Fra de tidligste tider og frem til idag har navnet vært Stavern, da med unntak for tiden 1799 1930 da byen het det samme som orlogsstasjonen Fredriksvern. Some call ‘Stavern’ “the dimple of the coast”, and it’s not to hard to agree on this point. Stavern has been a settlement, a harbour, a mooring site since the beginning of time. And all the time the city has been called ‘Stavern’, with the possible exeption from 1799 – 1930 when it was called ‘Fredriksvern’ – the same as the orlog station tanger outlet mebane in the same place. Dette bildet tanger outlet mebane er tatt på innfartsåren til Stavern ca 1 km utenfor byen. This picture has been taken less than a mile outside the city.
Like over bakketoppen kommer vi til et fasjonabelt hjem som skiller seg ut fra andre ved sin glasserte blå takstein – Hergisheim. Dette var dikteren Herman Wildenveys ( 1885 1959 ) hjem, men det var litt vanskelig å stoppe akkurat der så denne gangen måtte jeg ty til andre kilder (altså ikke mitt bilde)
Just across the hill I passed a fashonable home called ‘Hergisheim’ and which stands tanger outlet mebane out amont the rest due to its bright blue tiles on the roof. This used to be the home of the Norwegian poet Herman Wildenvey (1885 – 1959), but since it was practically impossible to stop the car without creating an incident, I have to rely on other sources tanger outlet mebane just this time. (Not my picture)
It is something that reminds you of the southern tanger outlet mebane parts of Norway here in Stavern tanger outlet mebane and the first side street of som importance bring you down to the sea and – Stavern Marina Den har økt i størrelse siden sist vi besøkte stedet, og det er vel egentlig ikke så rart - It has increased in size since last time I visited the place, and I guess that is to be expected ?
Fra Risøya nord for byen vender jeg blikket mot nord og der inne ligger Larvik. tanger outlet mebane Frem til 1988 var Stavern egen kommune men ble da innlemmet i storkommunen Larvik sammen med en del andre nabokommuner som Hedrum, Brunlanes og Tjølling. Idag har Stavern bystatus og her ute bor ca 6000 mennesker.
From Risøya north of the city I look towards the north. In the bottom of the Larviksfjord lies the city of Larvik. Up to 1988 Stavern was a community of its own, but in 1988 it was included into the community of Larvik together with ‘Hedrum’, ‘Brunlanes’ and ‘Tjølling’. Today Stavern has ‘city-status’ tanger outlet mebane and out here about 6000 people live on a daily basis.
Svenner Lighthouse needs its own photo report. Much larger then shown in my picture and with a natural harbour where it’s possible to survive even in a full blown storm. Beds might be rented in the lighthouse! But you need a boat to take you there! Det er sommer og blomster har prioritet ! It’s summer tanger outlet mebane and the flowers have priority!
Og når vi først snakker om et trivelig sted å bo, så er vel heller ikke dette så verst? Underjordisk tanger outlet mebane garasjeanlegg, heis, store terrasser, sjøutsikt kan man bo bedre? Legg merke til hvordan man bevisst ikke har gått høyere i terrenget enn fjellnabben ut mot havet. And when we are talking tanger outlet mebane about living, this wouldn’t be the worst spot to live? Underground parking, lift, large terrasses, sea view – tanger outlet mebane Can you live better? tanger outlet mebane Observe how they have avoided building higher than the rock to the left of the apartments.
Her et bilder fra gjestehavna. Her kan besøkende båtturister få seg en hardt tiltrengt dusj, eller man kan nyte en og annen lunsjrett i solveggen før man legger ut på bøljan blå igjen. Det er bare nå i mai at man kan ligge langsetter kaia. Vanligvis er her smekkfullt til og med ventetid for å komme til kai!
This is a picture tanger outlet mebane from the ‘guest harbour’. Here boating tourists may get a shower, or they may have a warm lunch in the sun before returning to blue blue sea. It’s just now in the very beginning of the season one may lie alongside the pier. Usually you have to await turn to dock. Dette er stedet der sjøredningstjenesten holder til! This is where the Sea Recue Service keep their vessels tanger outlet mebane Dette skal være et solur i larvikitt, en lokal steinsort fra dette området. Jeg skljønte tanger outlet mebane ikke helt hvordan tanger outlet mebane dette fungerte, men ble fortalt at på toppen av steinen var det et fotavtrykk. Og plasserte tanger outlet mebane man egne føtter der, så ville man kaste en skygge som kunne leses av for tid på dagen.
This is supposed to be a ‘solar tanger outlet mebane clock’. I didn’t quite understand its function, but was later told that on the top of the stone there were a foot imprint. Placing your feet on the imprint your body would cast a shadow that would indicate the time of day. Cool! Hotell Wassilioff ligger tanger outlet mebane sentralt plassert i Stavern. Tvers over veien ligger en vakker liten

Monday, July 28, 2014

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The village of Burin is located between two of the most notorious settlements, Yitzhar and Bracha. In Burin is a young activist named Ghassan. He is the leader of Martyr Bilal Najjar the style outlets Cultural Center. Anyone who is killed by settlers or the Israeli army, is called martyrs. Ghassan has been imprisoned several times - once a year without trial. He lives at home with his parents and soldiers returned home to imprison him. He said that they overturned and destroyed inventory at the search once he was home. When we visited him in Cultural, told him that he organizes an annual kite festival for young people in the village. It is also involved young people from elsewhere. When they make kites in Palestinian the style outlets flag colors. The dragons are sent high up so that they are visible from the settlements. Then, in mid-April, he had a new idea. He blew up lots of balloons with gas, tied them together and attached Palestinian flags and posters with the words "Israel is a terrorist state" in English and Hebrew, below them. The favorable wind carried the balloons over the Bracha settlement. When the balloons approached the settlement began settlers and the army to shoot them down. This gave the Palestinian flag and posters lap.
They are dressed in white settlers, the green soldiers. The soldiers probably thought this gas was a good idea. They unleashed some tear gas grenades. Also the homes in the village. Those are some naughty ones too. Headwinds did the attack of the soldiers were not so successful. Maybe that's why the day after village refused to continue work on the way up to his fields. Ingar, Yanun
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A typical montclair plaza game of Multiwinia takes less than fifteen minutes to complete, and is fa

Multiwinia takes place in a virtual world populated montclair plaza by small, flat shapes that for some reason have decided montclair plaza that they hate each other. This is an action-characterized strategy game with no single-player campaign or deep history - here the focus is on instant action, and whether you play against the computer or other people should not take more than a few minutes after starting the game until you are in a fast paced strategy duel.
Just as the relatively unknown Arena Wars, Multiwinia borrows a lot from Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike and other web-focused FPS. The action takes place in relatively small venues, with easy targets that vary from mode to mode. In "King of the Hill" must, for example, keep control of various points on the arena, while in "Capture montclair plaza the Statue," you must carry a large and heavy statue to your base while trying to fend off enemies that try to take the statue back to their base.
Overall, we get six different game types, and highlights montclair plaza include "Assault" where one team defends a heavily fortified base while the other attacks, and "Rocket Riot", where the goal is to control a bunch of solar panels to fuel a rocket which you then have to fill up with astronauts montclair plaza before your opponent can do the same. Moreover, we have relatively uncomplicated "Domination" (kill everyone), and "Blitzkrieg", where the goal is to gradually take over the game area, by occupying a series of flags.
A typical montclair plaza game of Multiwinia takes less than fifteen minutes to complete, and is fast, chaotic and intense. It happens a lot at once, and if you have any chance to win, you must be able both to think and act quickly. Opponents will not wait for you to make plans, and a moment's montclair plaza inattention can cost you dearly.
Basically, the gameplay in Multiwinia very easily. You have essentially one type of soldiers - the flat, small multiwinianerne. These are basically relatively disorganized and undisciplined, and follow your orders without being particularly focused on what they do. However, you can organize them in groups, montclair plaza under the direction of officers, which improves battle force their significant (at the same time making them more vulnerable to attack with grenades).
In addition to multiwinianerne, you will usually be a troop transport or two and maybe a defensive cannon or more, you can either montclair plaza leave it to itself, or take direct control (which in this case requires all your attention). This sounds enough like a rather limited basis for a strategy game, but it turns out to be fast enough to make a tactical and entertaining gameplay.
The developers of Introversion, however, montclair plaza added a great deal additional matters and things, which you do not get assigned initially, but descends in small crates from the sky during the game. Thus, you must choose whether to prioritize your goals, or send troops to take control of these funds and the sweets that are in there. Taking control of such a box is nevertheless montclair plaza associated with some risk, it is impossible to say what it contains in advance, and in addition there are some crates you will certainly regret that you opened.
Among the great arches we find everything from different types of artillery to squadrons with very strong soldiers as you get direct control over (just like in Multiwinia-predecessor Darwinia). Bonuses quick feet, personal shields, and greater firepower can be found too, and if you are correct then lucky you can access other exciting things, like nuclear bombs, meteor storms and air strikes. But you can also be unlucky and releasing a bunch of ants, Trifid or suffer other terrible stuff. Unpredictable gameplay
The interesting thing about these bonuses is that they can be very effective if used properly, and hence they form a very important part of the gameplay. One can almost compare Multiwinia with a game like Mario Kart, in terms of how integrated these bonuses in the game. If you never pick up a single bonus in Mario Kart, chances are small that you end up on top of the podium. montclair plaza Similarly, you often dependent on cash bonuses for winning in Multiwinia.
This makes the gameplay very unpredictable. You may have made an almost impregnable fortress with cannon, but then suddenly the opponent the opportunity to make their devices invulnerable, and presto, they have not only gotten past your defenses, but also taken control of the guns and turned them against you. Or you can pick up a seemingly innocuous box right in your territory, and suddenly be overwhelmed by angry ants that create total chaos and prevents you from reinforcements up to the front in time.
"Unpredictable" is generally a word that fits very well on Multiwinia. This game is mildly chaotic, and the situation can change totally in minutes. montclair plaza Believing, however, that the element of unpredictability makes it less necessary to

Sunday, July 27, 2014

In autumn 1995, a special autumn. I had just sold my Super Nintendo with 2 games that I got for my

Features Article Series collection Atari's exceptional history A Retro Gamers Confessions Contests Weekly Collector Nerd Alert Nerd Cast X Thought Smithy View Nerd Nerd Forecast 2010-2014 My retro travel Reviews Console marksandspencer Reviews Game Reviews Accessory Reviews Charts Console leaderboards Game Leaderboards Video Leaderboards Search for:
Trond from Games Museum presents its top 23 list for Playstation 1 Trond Erik Borgersen 2014-06-22 collector of retro games and consoles, trance on vinyl and old He-Man and Turtles characters. Is also a DJ and music producer, and director Games Museum. Favorite game: Final Fantasy VII Let's go back to the era of the fat guy-lateral and Playstation 1
In autumn 1995, a special autumn. I had just sold my Super Nintendo with 2 games that I got for my 12th birthday year 1993. I regretted really the first days when I was quite fond of Nintendo, but it would not take long before the sadness was replaced with immense pleasure . 29 September 1995 was in fact my brother and I in line outside a store in a mall in Larvik. Something small but also large were waiting for us. Our names were read out loud from a list behind the counter in the store. We did not have to wait long as we apparently was # 2 on the list, and slowly marksandspencer but surely we walked towards marksandspencer the counter. A small compact marksandspencer box stood before us, and we were quick to add 3,500 million, in various notes on the shiny disc. There stood the box we have been waiting for an eternity .. And inside the box, a Playstation. The man behind the counter had a sly smile on his face and wondered if we would buy a few games then it came with more than a demo disk. We thanked marksandspencer nicely no when we did not know about these games that stood on the shelf behind the man. Ridge Racer, Battle Arena Toshinden, Wipeout and a couple more. However, an extra controller, we should have. To own a Super Nintendo with only one control marksandspencer was not so cool, so this time we were well prepared.
Home was great excitement when we took the machine out of the box and connected it to the tv fat guy in the basement living room. Demo1 was put in under the lid and kept go'biter lurking: Gaping Tyrannosaurus Rex 3D censored slaughter in the first board of Loaded, 90 seconds of Battle Arena Toshinden and much promotion for the game that would arrive in the near future. The game I was most intrigued marksandspencer at Demo1 was Wipeout. Tough game and especially tough music that one could listen to again and again.
But after a few days of Demo1 saw was one little tired, and you checked piggy banks and what was, and it was time to buy my first game. The game in the end was Ridge Racer. An arcade racing game that could be played at home in your own basement living room. A few days later I had rounded game both forwards and backwards, literally .. And it was time to save for new games and new challenges. All my future wish lists for both Christmas and birthdays were pretty marksandspencer Playstation related. marksandspencer And 64 games later, here I am to browser onto my good old gråboks with toilet seat that has given me so much joy, laughter and some frustration. The computer does today, but only as long as I lean it against marksandspencer one tvbenk wall or it can stand in exactly 110 degrees, upside down, for it to be able to read games without hiccups ... But that safety's sake, I have three to lurk in case the one day strikes. Ironically enough the other 3 works perfectly with no frills.
It is then only natural to present my top list games I have had much pleasure and have spent a lot of time. The above is my personal and has nothing marksandspencer to do with what games did the character in various magazines. The reason exactly Top 23 is perhaps because the top three are not the big surprise if you've read game reviews on this site before ...
Makan fun outfit to two player game! Here is a classic "flag-capture" marksandspencer games, where you'll immigrants your opponents military base and steal a flag. The flag is then of course well hidden inside one of the buildings of your opponent, so it's pretty big challenge to find the flag. But once you are in possession of the flag you need to get you as quickly as possible back to home base, which is easier marksandspencer said one done. When shit namely opponent in your flag and will only moss car sitting in the flag lap. The selection between jeep, helicopters, tanks and on foot .. when you run out of gasoline, of course! Intense game with the world's marksandspencer coolest classical music that makes you panic when you have flagged.
"Laura ... Laura," The name you'll remember long after you've played this game. The horror genre had sky-high expectations, but that ended up being perhaps the strangest game I bought in my "Playstation 1 career." It cost all 680kr and was on 3 cds. You'd think the game was gigantic and far, but you'd actually only two hours (!) For you to lap the entire game. You start the game as Laura, the daughter of a physician has gone am

Friday, July 25, 2014

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

*** NEWS *** 04.01.08: Diego Klimowicz the Tibetan à Bochum jusqu

*** NEWS *** 04.01.08: Diego Klimowicz the Tibetan à Bochum jusqu'en 2010, il ne faisait Flea party serious plans of Klopp *** NEWS *** 03.01.08 upturn entraînement de l'essence du BVB generics blessés Cuba et Kehl *** NEWS *** 02.01.09 Tournoi en Salle de ce dimanche avec le BVB Dortmund, Köln, Leverkusen, Gladbach, Bochum, Munster rankings *** DE LA Bundesliga after 17 day: 1. Hoffenheim 35 pts (19 +) 2. Bayern München 35 pts (15 +) 3. Hertha BSC Berlin 33 pts (+7) 4. hamburger SV 33 pts (+2) 5. Bayer Leverkusen 32 pts (+15) 6. BVB Borussia Dortmund 29 pts (+8) 7.FC Schalke 04 pts 27 (+8) 8. SV Werder Bremen 26 pts (+11) 9. VfL Wolfsburg 26 pts (+10) 10. VfB Stuttgart 25 pts (+3) 11. 1.FC Köln 22 (-6) 12. Eintracht Frankfurt 19 (-6) 13. Hannover bealls texas 96 17 pts (-12) 14. DSC Arminia Bielefeld 14 pts (-12) 15. Karlsruher SC 13 pts (-17) 16 . FC Energie Cottbus 13 pts (-17) 17. VfL Bochum 11 pts (-11) 18. Mönchengladbach bealls texas 11 pts (-17)
2008-2009 season Dating meet competition: results rankings 16/08/08 1ere day Bayer Leverkusen - BVB 2-3 23/08/08 2nd day BVB - Bayern München 1-1 30/08/08 3 day Energie Cottbus - BVB 0 13/09/08 4 day -1 BVB - FC Schalke 04 3-3 21/09/08 5 day TUS 1899 Hoffenheim - BVB 4-1 27/09/08 6th day BVB - VfB Stuttgart 3-0 05/10 / 08 7 day BVB - Hannover 96 1-1 18/10/08 8e day SV Werder Bremen - BVB 3-3 26/10/08 9th day BVB - Hertha BSC Berlin 1-1 29/10/08 10 day 1FC Köln - grades bealls texas 11 day BVB BVB 0-1 02/11/08 - VfL Bochum 1-1 08/11/08 12 day hamburger SV - BVB 2-1 15/11/08 bealls texas 13e day BVB - Eintracht Frankfurt 4-0 21/11 / 08 day Karlsruher SC 14e - 15e day BVB BVB 0-1 30/11/08 - VfL Wolfsburg 0-0 06/12/08 16e day Arminia Bielefeld - BVB 0-0 12/12/08 17th day BVB Borussia M'Gladbach 2-1
6ème 31/01/09 18e day BVB - Bayer Leverkusen Bayern München day 19E 08/02/09 - 15/02/09 20e day BVB BVB - FC Energie Cottbus 21/02/09 21e day Schalke 04 - BVB 28/02 / 22e 09 day BVB - TUS 1899 Hoffenheim VfB Stuttgart 07/03/09 23e day - day 24 hours BVB 14/03/09 Hannover 96 - 21/03/09 BVB BVB day 25E - SV Werder Bremen 04/04/09 26e day
Hertha BSC Berlin - 11/04/09 bealls texas 27e day BVB BVB - Köln 1FC 18/04/09 28e day VfL Bochum - BVB BVB 25/04/09 29e day - hamburger SV 02/05/09 30e day Eintracht Frankfurt bealls texas - BVB 09 / 05/09 31E day BVB - Karlsruher SC 12/05/09 32e day VfL Wolfsburg - 16/05/09 33e day BVB BVB - Arminia Bielefeld 23/05/09 34E day
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1. H anno e rv June 9: 87 Points 2 Borussia Dortmund. Borussia Mnchengladbach 80 Point 3. Point 78 4 FC Hansa Rostock. 75 Point 5, 1899 Hoffenheim. Eintracht Frankfurt 73 Item 6. Bayern 72 points 7. Munich. 8 67 Point DSC Arminia Bielefeld 63 Points windows store 9 Kalsruher SC. Werder Brme 61 Item 10. Item 11 61 TSV 1860 Mnchen. Points 60 12 Bayer 04 Leverkusen. Hamburg SV 50 points 13.: 48 Point 14 VfL Bochum 1848. Wolfsburg 48 Item 15. Points 42 16 FC Energie Cottbus. Item 17 36 VfB Stuttgart. Schalke 04 31 Item 18. Alemannia Aachen 21 Points 19. 19 Points
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Happy Birthday kik discount Our beloved bridge turns 75 this year, and although kik discount the cr

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Since the moment somewhere in the mid-1960s when San Francisco suddenly "San Francisco, the city is synonymous with the use of the body as a form of personal expression. But when a group of guys both literally and figuratively started hanging out in the Castro's single most visible public kik discount space on an almost daily basis, many of the area's residents called for a The question, both silly and ridiculous deathly serious, went right to the heart of the city's identity: where the rights of the individual nudist end and the public's collective do not want to see old man testicles start Ultimately, the powers of which some labeled "conservatism" won. Now, if someone wants to go out in public, they better be sure that their genitals are covered.
frothing orange and black O, San Francisco Giants. Oh, you. While the team's 2012 World Series sweep was not much as exciting as the 2010 first-time-in-56-year win without this city down to shout stop cheering, Muni bus destroyed, frothing black and orange madness. And in true Giants torture style, the boys made a lot of excitement.
First there was the NL Division Series history, with a Buster Posey grand slam. Then there was the NL championship series, with an unexpected rescue by Barry Zito. Finally, adding insult to injury, there was the World Series: an epic, embarrassing, Motor City soul-crushing sweep
Next comes the (seemingly inevitable) street riots that quickly got out of hand, followed by a family-friendly parade, Sergio Romo who donned a shirt that read "I just look illegal" As if that's not enough. Buster Posey, the National League MVP weeks later, patch a nod of Grantland dubbing San Francisco "the sports city of the year"
Happy Birthday kik discount Our beloved bridge turns 75 this year, and although kik discount the crowd chasing kik discount the Golden Gate as they did on the 50th (nearly causing the team to record in the process), the celebration was no less spectacular. Events special exhibitions, performances by local bands and dance troupes, a vintage boat parade and a 18-minute spectacular fireworks humiliate each other fireworks show in the history of fireworks. (Watch it here)
The most notable casualties occurred in April, when federal agents kik discount raided Oaksterdam University, Oakland's legendary cannabis training kik discount school (and ground zero for the city's pro-pot movement).
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

10 Bordeaux: the traffic on the ring road and the city center in real time

Pillars South African Gert Muller (SU Agen) and Janse van Rensburg are committed to two seasons with the Basque club. In Bayonne, the right pillar Gert Muller find Dewal Senekal (foreground), his former teammate in the Agen swimsuit. Photo
i the Bayonne probably deserves a title this season, it is that the club Top 14 most active on the transfer market. The Basque club has also just complete his recruitment for the next installment of the championship in engaging two South African pillar.
The Agen Gert Muller lloyd center stores (! Not Gerd) is a "right-handed" (1.86 m, 118 kg), which recently celebrated its 27 years. After surgery lloyd center stores on his left ankle during the last offseason, he buckle his third season at SUA where he arrived in 2010, with the rise in the Top 14, from the Lions. Christian Lanta and Christophe Deylaud therefore rely on a player they know well.
Muller is committed to two seasons (plus one optional), like his compatriot JC Janse van Rensburg. Also 27 years old, this South African left pillar (1.85 m 109 kg) moves the Lions, with whom he has played lloyd center stores 47 Super Rugby matches. Virgin selection Janse van Rensburg was called in reinforcements from the staff of the Springboks during the autumn tour, to compensate lloyd center stores for the injury of CJ van der Linde.
Both players are in addition to five others arrived radius: Fijian winger Saimoni Vaka (Agen), rear / Argentine winger Martin Bustos Moyano (Montpellier), the opener New Zealanders Stephen Brett (Verblitz Toyota, Japan ) and two French Jean Monribot (third lloyd center stores line Agen) and Mathieu Belie (flyhalf or melee Racing Métro). Except interesting opportunity, recruitment of Basques is closed.
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The first thunderstorms here and two men earlier this month struck by lightning. Carla van Niekerk

"Welcome to the SA Weather and Disaster Information Service. (SAWDIS) This service carson pirie is made possible by amateur radio operators and private citizens carson pirie around the country volunteer carson pirie the use dat hun weather and radio stations, carson pirie weather and disaster carson pirie photographs, data and information for research and educational carson pirie Purposes. The SAWDIS is a non-profit organization That renders a FREE COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICE to anyone Requiring the information. carson pirie "
The first thunderstorms here and two men earlier this month struck by lightning. Carla van Niekerk find out how you see yourself and your home can protect against. A flash of lightning travels at about 300,000 kilometers per second and generates a temperature of about 30,000 C - about four times hotter than the sun's surface. Mr. Paul van As of Surgetek, specialists in protection against lightning and power surge, carson pirie and chairman of the SABS committee for surge and lightning protection, if you say to be able to count six of the moment you see the lightning until you hear it , you are already in danger. "Then the lightning 2 km from you. For every three seconds you count, it ground 1 km from you hit. "The sound of thunder is caused by air rapidly expands, explain me. Dawn Mahlobo, a senior scientist at the South African Weather Service. A flash of lightning heats the air in less than a second to about 30,000 º C. When the air then expands, it causes the loud bang. Thunder can generally 6 km to be heard. Thunder, lightning, lightning ...
Mahlobo tell if a lightning bolt hits you directly, there is no chance of survival is not. As of adding carson pirie a person's shoes may be all that is left, as it happens. "If lightning a tree gets hit, changing the moisture in the tree at 30 000 º C to steam immediately. The steam expands and causes a small bomb that exploded the tree. "Basically the same thing happens to a man when you directly struck by lightning. Van As says a typical lightning in South Africa carries carson pirie a current of about 40,000 amperes (the unit used to measure the strength of an electric current to measure.) One uses about 100 amps to weld. Most people killed by lightning are indirectly affected when a high tree or structure close to them gets beaten, he explains. The closer you are to the object that gets beaten, the higher the voltage (voltage) between your feet. This stress increases the farther your feet apart. "It is the difference carson pirie in voltage between your feet, the current through your body to run and it can easily be fatal," said Van As. Wet clothes will likely reduce carson pirie serious injuries because the current through the wet clothes will flow rather than through your body. Goodbye computer "People carson pirie think you get lightning damage directly to hit something. A lightning flash of up to 1km away can damage carson pirie your equipment, "said Van As. "There are on average annually about five to ten direct deposits per square kilometer in Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal and causes the most damage." He is the chance that an ordinary house in South Africa struck will be less than once in 25 years. However, your home is up to ten times per year exposed to the consequences. "The average damage in an average house is R30 000 to R50 000 if it is struck by lightning." Protect your home, "The most common mistake people make is to a lightning mast or pole to set up. A 30 m high pole attract lightning to 100 m hitting. It is only recommended to thatch, "said Van As. Class 3 - "Plugtops" protectors that one at many stores can buy, do not offer sufficient protection, said Van As. The best way to secure your equipment, is the right surge arresters in your electrical distribution carson pirie board installed. These alternatives carson pirie should be according to the SABS code a surge of 10,000 amps can handle and at least ten years. "We carson pirie (Surgetek) says it should be a surge of 40,000 amps can handle. It will also last longer. It costs about twice as much (R800) at the beginning, but you will be ten times more life out of it. "Also you can every cable that runs to your home, such as the telephone or modemlyn with separate protectors allow secure. No weerligbeskermingstelsel can provide 100% protection, but if properly installed, it can greatly reduce your risk, says Van As. So it
"Lightning is a buildup and discharge of electrical energy carson pirie between positively and negatively charged areas in the atmosphere and clouds," says me. Dawn Mahlobo, carson pirie a senior scientist at the South African Weather Service. Woe

Monday, July 21, 2014

Recent Comments Jenny Barnard on Verkoue, griep en die gevreesde varkgriep dst scansky clock 31269 o

AVIS welcomes new vehicle microdotting legislation | Die Kwêvoël
Microdot technology is implemented by spraying the essential parts and panels of vehicles with thousands of dots that are invisible to the naked eye. A vehicle s Vin Identification number can only be revealed shoemart philippines by using specialised scopes to read the dots. These scopes can be used by police services to identify vehicles and vehicle parts, especially in instances where the original vehicle identification (Vin and Engine) numbers have been tampered shoemart philippines with.
While the technology is excellent, its ability to become a highly effective vehicle theft deterrent and crime fighting tool has been hampered shoemart philippines by the low number of vehicles to which it has been applied. While the police have embraced the use of this technology, with less than 7% of new cars being microdotted over the past five years, they simply can t get into an efficient mindset of using the scopes and methodology applicable to identify shoemart philippines stolen or potentially stolen vehicles, says Wayne Duvenage Avis chief executive.
Duvenage believes microdot technology will lead to the arrest and demise of many of this country s illegal Chop Shop syndicates. At the request of the SAPS, the Minister of Transport will publish amended regulations to the National Road Traffic Act (Act 93 of 1996) to legislate the application of microdot technology in line with SANS 534-1 (SA s microdotting standard).
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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bush Radio 89.5 fm is the Mother of Community Radio in Africa. famous barr Based in Cape Town, South

Bush Radio 89.5 fm is the Mother of Community Radio in Africa. famous barr Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Bush Radio exists with the sole purpose to uplift, develop and educate the communities it serves. To find out more about Bush Radio go to, where you can also listen on-line. Please share your comments on our news:
Approximate areas and times affected for possible load shedding: (source: Eskom) 06:00 08:30 City of Cape Town supply areas Avonstil Part 2, Belgravia Part 1, Bellair, Bellville Ext. 22 & 38, Belmont famous barr Park, Belrail Part 1, Bloekombos, Blommendal Part 1 & 2, Blomtuin, Bonnie Brae, Bonnie Brook, Boston Part 2, Cape Farms Part 8, Chrismar Part 2 & 3, Danie Uys Park, De La Haye Part 2, De Villier's Part 2, East Rock Part 1, Eikendal, Eskom, Glen Ive, Groenvallei, H Monument Park, Hillrise, Joostenberg, Kaymor Part 2, Kempenville famous barr Part 1, Kingston, Klein Begin, Kraaifontein Ext.17, Kraaifontein Industry, Kraaifontein Part 1, La Rochelle, famous barr Langeberg Glen, Langeberg Ridge, Loumar, Oak Glen, Oakdale(1) Part 1, Oakdale(2) Part 1 & 2, Peerless Park East & North, Sanlamhof, Scottsdene, Scottsville, Shirley Park, Sonstraal Heights Part 2, Stellenridge, Stikland Hospital Part 1 & 2, Summerville, Sunkist, Sunray, Uitsig, Van Der Merwe Park, Vosfontein, Vredenburg, Wallacedene, Winsor Estate, Zoo Park Part 1. Eskom supply areas within the Province Aurora, Barandas, Bitterfontein, Calitzdorp, Citrusdal, Clanwilliam, De Rust, De Zalze, Doringbaai, Dysseldorp and Farmers, Eendekuil, Elandsbaai, Firgrove, Franschhoek, Graafwater, Gydo , Haarlem, Het Kruis, Jamestown, Kapteinskloof, Klapmuts, Klawer, Krantzkop, La Motte, Lamberts Bay, Leeurivier Farmers, Leipoldtville, Lutzville, Lynedoch, Meiringspoort, Misgund, Misverstand Water Affairs, famous barr Muldersvlei Farmers, Namakwa Sans, Nieuwoudtville, Noordhoek, Nuwerus, Op die Berg, Outeniqua Farmers, Porterville, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Redelinghuys, famous barr Riet, Roberts valley, Slagboom Farmers, Soetendal Farmers, Stellenbosch University and Farmers, Stellenbosch Municipality, Strandfontein, Uniondale, Van Rhynsdorp, Vredendal, Wemmershoek Farmers, Willowmore, Witzenberg Farmers, Zandberg Farmers. Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town Avonwood, Bishop Lavis (part), famous barr Bloekombos, Botfontein Road farms, Brentwood Park, Broadlands, County famous barr Fair, Cravenby, Croydon, Delft, Doringwater, Elsiesriver (part), Elsiesrivier, Faure, famous barr Firlands area, Forest Heights, Gamsberg, Groenbank, Hagley, Helderberg famous barr Industrial Park, Henkries, Hillcrest, Khayelithsa (part), Khayelitsha Traction, Lourensford Estate, Lwandle, Macassar, Malibu Village, Matroosfontein, Mfuleni famous barr (Municipality), Midway, Nomzano, North Pine, Pelladrift, Ruyterwacht, Scottsdene, Silversands, Sir Lowry's Pass Village and surrounding farmers, famous barr Somchem, Somerset famous barr West Business Park, Tuscany Glen, Uitsig, Vergelegen, Wallacedene. 08:00 10:30 City of Cape Town supply areas Bakoven, Brooklyn, Camps Bay, Clifton Part 1, Foreshore Part 2, Maitland Part 4, Maitland Village Garden, Mowbray Part 1, Ndabeni Part 3, Observatory Part 1 & 2, Paarden Eiland, Rugby, Salt River Part 2, Woodstock Part 3, Ysterplaat. Eskom supply areas within famous barr the Province Albertinia, Arabella, Beaufort West, Betty's Bay, Blanco Farmers, Botrivier, Breërivier Farmers, Buffelspoort , Caledon, Carolusberg, Chavonnes, De Doorns, Droërivier Farmers, Duinzicht, Garies, Genadendal, Gouritsmond, Greyton, Helderstroom, Herbertsdale, Houhoek Farmers, Jagersbos, Jongensfontein, Kamieskroon, Klaarstroom, Kleinmond, famous barr Kwadousberg, Kylemore, Ladismith, Laingsburg, Leeugamka, Mossel Bay OCGT, Nababeep, Nelspoort, OCC, Okiep, Osplaas Farmers, Mossel Bay (part), Paternoster, Pniel, Pringle Bay, Rietbron, famous barr Riversdale, Roggeveld, Rooi Els, Sandhills, Springbok, St Helena Bay, Stilbaai, Stompneus, Sutherland, Swartberg Farmers, Vanwyksdorp, Velddrift, famous barr Vleesbaai, Vredenburg, Vyeboom , Theewater Farmers, Worcester, Zoar. Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town AECI site, Atlantic famous barr Beach Estate, Atlas Park, Big Bay, Bloubergstrand, Bothasig, Contermanskloof (part), famous barr Du Noon, Killarney Industria (part), Melkbos Pump Station, Melkbosstrand, famous barr Paardevlei famous barr area, Parklands. 10:00 12:30 City of Cape Town supply areas Century City Part 2, Epping Industrial Part 1, Gatesville Part 1, Guguletu Part 2, Heideveld Part 2, Joe Slovo Park, Langa Part 2, Mannenberg Part 2, Marconi Beam Part 2, Milnerton Ext.6, Milnerton Ridge, Montague Gardens Industrial, Newfields Part 2, Phoenix Part 2, Rylands/Doornhoogte Part 1, Sanddrift Part 2, Summer Greens, Surrey Part 1 & 2, Table View Part 1. Eskom supply areas within the Province Agulhas, famous barr Amcor Farmers, Arniston famous barr (Waenhuiskrans), famous barr Bossieveld, Bredasdorp, Broodkraal, Calvinia, Cloetesville, Club Mykonos, famous barr Darling, De Dam, De Hoek Farmers, De Kelders, Doringrivier, Elgin, Elgin Station, Elim, Fisherhaven, Franskraalstrand, Gansbaai, Goudini Spa, Grabouw, Grabouw Commercial, Groot Brak, Hammanshof Farm

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2014 SAG Awards: Jared Leto, Sans Hair Bun, gushes about Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke fleet farm ad | Afrikaans
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The Golden Globes winner of the SAG Awards hit with a very shocking hairstyle, and the "shocking" we mean that he is not rocking the bun as it was last weekend. Instead, the Dallas Buyers Club star for Best Supporting Actor tonight, fleet farm ad let his hair flow free! Free as the wind that blows through the red carpet.
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Saturday, July 19, 2014

hmm, thanks for the response guys. This is my second set of Trakgrip's, the first did wear in waves

Ek het die afgelope naweek 'n stel Dunlop SP Trakgrips bekom teen R80.00/band obs hypermarked met +/- 70% loopvlak. Ek besef dat die bande nie in dieselfde klas val as bv. BF Goodrich T/A's nie. Ek sal graag wil hoor wat die opinies is oor die bande. Sal die bande bv. opgewasse wees teen Namibie en die Rigtersveld se grondpaaie?
Ek het die bande op my Hilux gehad, en was baie gelukkig daarmee. ek het 75 000km op hulle gekry en het nooit enige probleme daarmee gehad nie. Ek kan nie enige probleme met Namibie of Richtersveld sien nie. __________________ u 083 399 2046
Ek het 'n stel op my Ford Ranger gehad toe ons nog geboer het. Die loop oppervlak is vir my meer 'n teerpad as 'n "offroad" band. Ek het heelwat grondpad gery (Namaqualand) en in die tydperk kan nie kla behalwe in een aspek - nat paaie. Pasop. Ek moet se teen die prys wat jy betaal het was dit 'n gooie koop - geluk, maar ek persoonlik, sal beslis nie weer die "toonbank" prys betaal vir 'n stel. Ek sien jy is self nie meer "jonk" nie en ry seker nie meer so woes nie.
Sneaky Pete,Dankie vir die waarskuwing oor natpaaie. obs hypermarked Soos jy opgemerk het, is ons stal maats. Woes ry is nie meer die norm nie en ek is van nature versigtig vir nat paaie. Ek sal ook nie vol prys betaal vir die bande nie. Ek het op die lang duur my oog op 'n stel BF Goodrich T/A's maar die prys was net te goed om te los (Ek moes verlede jaar nood gedwonge 2 x Trakgrips op Graafreinet koop teen R250.00 stuk,so R80.00 stuk is 'n winskoop)
Sou jy BFG's teen 'n gooie prys kry ? Ek moet binne volgende paar maande koop en kyk na Goodyear Wranglers (265/70/16). Hulle is nie my eerste keuse nie maar teen R1100.00 stuk is dit omtrent die beste so ver. Weet iemand van beter "deals" aan die gang ?
ou toppie, ek het 2x stelle van die trakgrips op my colt gehad, albei stelle het naby 100,000 km gegee. Ek moet saamstem oor die nat paaie, maar vir die res was ek baie tevrede. Ek is paar keer "aangespreek" oor die non-4x4 bande op trips, maar ons is sonder gemors en/of moeite dieselfde plekke deur as ander manne. Moet egter s^e dat ek meer trips gedoen het, as net speel.
Greetings Any reason you guys can suggest would cause Trakgrip 215R15's to become out-of-round , ie. both the outer diameter and along the rim is off centre causing the tyres to be virtually unbalancable. The tyres are 60 000k with new safari shocks fitted at the same time. 99% tar road with remainder as moderate gravel roads, vehicle has never been loaded. The out-of-round is on all four. The tyre guys who did the balancing / allignment obs hypermarked say that Dunlops always do this. Much appreciated Russell F
If its a latent defect then surely one should be able to invoke a warrantee clause of sorts ? I know they're not the best tyres around but one would expect them to at least stay round (I mean "round" is the definition of "tyre" !). If I continue driving then there would be damage to steering rack , tie-rod rubbers, etc, etc. Any advice or experiences obs hypermarked re. latent defect warrantee claims after 60 000k's. Any Dunlop tyre reps reading this ? SP Trakgrip 215R15
i had sp trackgrips on my nissan and they went bald after only 35k km this was very odd as the tyres on the bakkie when i got it had done about 30k to 40k km and lasted another 25k km before i replaced them with the abovementioned set the dunlop people obs hypermarked here in windhoek acused me of driving like a pig wich i did not do i am still convinced that something was not right with that batch of tyres but the dunlop people here treated me like a crook instead of sending one of the tyres to their lab for tests so i will rather pay 2000 bucks for a bfg then ever drive a dunlop, even if its for free __________________ V51JP Namboyz Rule
I also went direct to Dunlop but they were not the least interested. Had the tyres skimmed at my own cost but I was never entirely happy with them. When the SABS purchased vehicles for their fleet their purchase orders stated: NO DUNLOP TYRES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Now that should tell you something!
hmm, thanks for the response guys. This is my second set of Trakgrip's, the first did wear in waves but I reckoned it was the shocks, though in hindsight the ball-joints did need replacing a bit prematurely for 99% tar use only. Otherwise never really had any problems in wet tar or on gravel. Andre, did skimming help ? I mean there's 80% + tread left.... I'll post a query on Dunlop's a company that has been around for ever, so I'll be very surprised if they don't come with a positive reply.
Quote: Andre, did skimming help ? Not much really. And the wearing off in waves I have seen countless time, the same as if your shocks are shot. I think it all comes down to quality control. obs hypermarked Some time ago I have heard the the Dunlop plant, I think in Ireland, had shut down and the equipment were to be sent

Friday, July 18, 2014

Ngoqo has not yet informed Bitou that he is leaving for a job with a lower salary, and just days ago

The meriments start… the hundreds store or not | DBC - Political Notes
Maar net voordat ek kon registreer het ek eers my hand uitgesteek the hundreds store na Oudtshoorn se parkepoliesman, Morena Douse, en hom hartlik gegroet sodat almal kon hoor.
OO het geleentheid gehad om vir Gelderblom en Uys in te lig oor die wanadministrasie op Beroerdplein.
Is the hundreds store the ANC paying!? » 27 Responses
COMMENT, all lip service, unless you are the most gullible person i have ever met The sentiments and moral feelings towards the ANC prior 1998 with Mandela still there, is one thing and quite understandable
Since then it has been a one way downward spiral of in fighting and self enrichment ! As jy dit nie kan of wil raaksien nie is daar geen salf aan jou en jou volgelinge te smeer nie en kom hier nog groot “perre” vir SA. Slegs 34 Munisipaliteite nog staande en solvent uit 287 – almal ANC oorheers – the hundreds store wat se dit vir jou na 18 jaar ” and still counting the casualties daily ? Noorwes Provinsie is die mees onlangse gesneuwelde nadat die regering Limpopo verlede maand moes oorneem.
Of ons vat nou almal hande saam dwarsoor die kleurgrens om korrupsie en onbevoegdheid vas te vat, of elkeen bly in sy eie Blou OF Geel en Groen kampie en wag op die GROOT IMPLOSION ! Wat gaan dit wees ? Besluit self. Hoe gouer ons alle politiek uit Munisipale bestuur verwyder, hoe beter ons almal se kanse op oorlewing – PUNT !!
The Municipal Manager of Bitou (Plettenberg Bay) Municipality has been offered and has accepted a job as municipal the hundreds store manager in Sundays River Valley Municipality, despite being found guilty of financial irregularity.
Bitou Municipal Manager Lonwabo Ngoqo has been found guilty by a disciplinary enquiry on 4 of the 7 counts he was charged with, which included contraventions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, as well as an apparent violation of section 67 of the Municipal the hundreds store Systems the hundreds store Act, which means that he should therefore not be able to hold office in another municipality for the next 10 years. The disciplinary process is currently awaiting his arguments in mitigation before sentence is passed. Bitou municipality expect this process to be concluded within 2-3 weeks.
Despite this, it has emerged that Ngoqo has applied for and been appointed to the job of Municipal Manager of Sundays River Valley Municipality in the Eastern Cape. While this may not be in contravention of the exact letter of the new Municipal Systems Amendment Act it certainly violates the spirit of attempts to stop failed municipal officials the hundreds store from being reappointed the hundreds store in other municipalities.
In considering Ngoqo for the position, the ANC-run council in Sundays River decided to appoint him despite reports that he was under investigation. This shows inexcusable the hundreds store negligence at best, and will give rise to speculation that he is another ANC cadre being given a job because of his political connections.
Ngoqo has not yet informed Bitou that he is leaving for a job with a lower salary, and just days ago asked the council to replace his cellphone. This despite the fact that he has told Sundays River that he will start there on Wednesday.
The DA calls on the national minister of Cooperative Governance, Richard Baloyi, to ensure that Qoboshiyane stops Ngoqo’s appointment. Failure to do so will show that the ANC’s attempts to fix failing municipalities are all talk when they come up against the practice of looking after comrades.
@OO: The ANC is in fact led by a team of individuals of commanding intellect and sound administrative experience; sadly there is sometimes a disconnect between the vision the leadership has for a transformed South Africa and the implementation of that vision at the coalface of local government. There are reasons for this, not least of which is the fact that the exercise of democracy is for most South Africans a comparatively new experience. Transformation is a learning curve, with many potholes. Corruption is a corrosive force in our new society, but as the ANC statement last week articulates very clearly it is an issue which needs to be one focus of attention the hundreds store of all South Africans. In the ANC statement on the formation of Anti-corruption watch the party made it clear that the assistance of all South Africans is needed in the battle: ‘We the hundreds store call upon Cosatu and all South Africans to blow the whistle against crime and corruption committed in both the public as well as in the private sector. This will ensure that this scourge of crime and corruption the hundreds store is uprooted completely in our society.’ the ANC said.
‘The African National Congress (ANC) welcomes the launch of the Anti corruption unit – Corruption Watch – by Cosatu and Members of Civil Society. It is our held view that if crime and corruption is not firmly the hundreds store attended to, it has the potential to reverse our hard won democratic gains. Crime and corruption hampers the pace of government servic

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dr Dan Roodt of Praag confirmed that he also was in a cafe when Croucamp magasin di at hearings of is current, active, african! Daily picture of South African news and international events in Afrikaans English News African News Southern Africa International magasin di News Business Opinion Letters Editorials Columnists Andre Alkema Anton Barnard Buks van Rensburg Christo Landman Dan Roodt Danie Goosen Dirk Uys Gerhard magasin di Lourens Gideon Meiring Gustav Venter Hein Zaayman Hannes Engelbrecht Heinrich Matthee Appel Jaap Steyn Jared Taylor Jeanette Koekemoer works everywhere JH du Toit Johan Combrink Johann Theron Johann magasin di Wingard Joseph Secreve Karin Roodt Koos Malan LI Bertijn Leon Lemmer Louise Mabille Magnus Heystek Manfred Delport Maretha Davel Joubert Meshack Mabogoane Piet Kotze Pieter Oosthuizen Spades Farmer magasin di Sonette Ahlers Socrates the Act Susan Combrink Thys Human Vlad du Plessis Sports General Athletics Golf Rugby Cricket Soccer Swimming Tennis Video serial General Stories BOTTOM Gustav Venter Poems History Living Food and Wine Fashion & Beauty Shopping Home and children Travel Business Travel magasin di Getaway Cars Car News Motorsport WEATHER Technology Personal Tech Space Science Entertainment Books Movies TV Music Art Architecture Design magasin di Art Photography magasin di homeland homeland homeland Council News Media Reports Sign up! Sign up! Who are we? Contact Forum Newsletter
"Piet Croucamp is an absolutely reprehensible person. He took the principles of a male treasure. He is sloppy. He always magasin di smell fresh and are untidy in his person. He is also a womanizer that his wife with other women cheating, therefore they are apart. "
So says a journalists who talk about prague Dr. Piet Croucamp, the academic from the University of Johannesburg, now used by leftist, anti-African feminists magasin di like Gillian Schutte as a knight on a white horse praised for his attack on a vrouefilosoof magasin di of Pretoria, Louise Mabille.
To the question: "How many women Dr. Piet Croucamp already asleep? "Answered the journalists, who wish to remain anonymous:" OEG no, there are many! He is really detached from morals. He has slept with magdomme women. "
Dr Dan Roodt of Praag confirmed that he also was in a cafe when Croucamp magasin di at hearings of the company said that it "many women want", with the implication that he was a Don Juan. One of his points of criticism against Mabille's article was that she had an objection to polygamy bring.
The journalists were especially surprised that Croucamp by other academics magasin di and feminists even be taken seriously. "It's outrageous that people they care about what he says. How dare he anthropological issues about that? He knows nothing about it. Louise do what the rest of the population do scare him. "Louise is just a woman under his belt '
"He seems now to Louise of the Tuks campus chased it," she continues. "She's just a woman under his belt. That these people magasin di adhere to what he thinks is absolutely sickening, especially in academic circles. Why they bother him? "
She finds it ironic that Croucamp in the notorious 32 Battalion during the Angolan War, as a major critic of the NP government. "If you can remember the old government, the authoritarian them. He is just like them! His word is law, you can not oppose it. He has a diktatorgeaardheid. Again, I find it outrageous that people they care about what he says. "
The journalists were convinced that Croucamp "approach things strategically." She said: "He magasin di surrounded himself with people she can drive ideas, like Cobus Bester of RSG. They are great friends. I do not think that it's objectively Cobus him a platform to give other people's lives disrupted. Instead of having an academic debate with Louise came. But he has no argument, he draws the gang, he slandered. "Eugene de Kock
She alleges that Croucamp as "gatekeeper" occur when journalists interviews with Eugene de Kock in prison magasin di would perform. "If you think of the morals of a guy Eugene de Kock protected. What does it say about a guy? I really can not believe that people who have something off of something they know to disturb him. It's absolutely amazing to me! "
Again she became very violent at the thought magasin di that someone who is such a lack of any great character and morals consistent tone, a charge of hate speech against another person, especially a woman, can lie. "It's a woman under his belt. Why do not men he not? He protected for Eugene de Kock, someone grotesque violence and atrocities committed. He does not follow an academic approach, but then a witch hunt from. "
The journalists of her "some time in the same social krin

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Andries online mall Botha wrote:

Andries online mall Botha wrote: "Where were you the night of June 16, 1976?" The title of an exciting book about South Africa. That night was for me to have more than one reason a terrible shock. Soweto in flames. Burning tires. A protesting crowd that anything and everything to the police pendulum. Gun shots. Bodies in the streets. Condemnation of the authority of the outside world. In addition, I with barely restrained excitement in my parents' living room sat almost the seconds online mall counting down until the next morning when I get on a plane would climb to Mauritius to the conference of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) chaired by Uganda's President Idi Amin to attend when the shocking news hit the world. The question that I have faced was, should I get on the plane or should I stay? What will happen the next day? Where will it end? Worse, what will the reaction of the OAU delegates if they would find there is an "enemy" in their midst? After due consideration and numerous phone calls, I decided to take the plunge online mall and get dressed in the morning on the plane to climb. I had just left the Fatherland and was Project Director of the Freedom Foundation of Southern Africa with Pick 'n Pay's Raymond Ackerman as chairman of the board of trustees. Through a contact in Mauritius Department of Agriculture me access online mall at a time when South Africans for the duration of the OAU conference not in any hotel in Mauritius is not allowed. Mediterranean Club, Mauritius The only place where South Africans could remain in the mediterranean Club, which almost a separate unit was where the guests all day, full time on a program and not treated elsewhere on the island is not allowed - that everyone invariably did. Besides me, who rented a car and off to the OAU conference. The management of the Club Med did later start asking all kinds of questions about my absence, but because everyone lived in separate units, I could always think of ontduikende answers. I have in the Homeland, which I have often early in the morning as a "pound-an-hour man" (in Dirk Richard's words) my part done, the Congress wrote and fortunately there were no incidents on the island do not. Idi Amin Dada The uncertainty of the evening of June 16 will always remain with me. And three pieces of humor that I like to share Perskoriane. Pik Botha apparently one of the Vorster government's many secret visits to Africa by Idi Amin at a banquet in Kampala out of the U.S. foreign affairs minister Henry Kissinger on the other side. Pik knew that Uganda's foreign minister did not really suit you. What Idi Amin said, "Move him aside and eat your vegetables." Henry Kissinger Henry Kissinger is again very late in his life and married Nancy uithuisig was more than he was home. She joined a psychiatrist complaining that he had not even notice it. This then suggested that in the morning when he comes out of the shower horizontally on the bed and lay one half of her torso vertically exposed. It will certainly stand out Henry and her very visible. So said, so done. When Henry out of the shower comes, look at he scene on the bed as saying: "That reminds me, I need to Moshe Dayan call." The late Jaap Swanepoel before my departure to Mauritius told Van der Merwe pilot on its first flight to Mauritius warned that the runway is extremely online mall short, and that he should be extremely careful. But the intrepid Van der Merwe ordered a double Pebbles to another and said: "I can Airbus on a tickey country." When they post a few doubles the airport of Mauritius reached, he gave one look and said, "Wow, the runway online mall is short, but we are going to land." He commanded them, "Halfflappe out volflappe out. And tread down the brakes. "The aircraft swung wildly back and forth on the runway, the passengers screamed online mall and baggage hand shower from the shelves on their down. Shortly before the fence at the end of the runway the aircraft came to a stop. Van der Merwe then leaned forward so his arms, looking at port, then to starboard through the windows, and says: "Mauritius runway is the shortest I've ever landed, but he was f ..... wide." Ironically, the plane carrying the Swan Lake couple crashed just near Mauritius in the sea spilled. By the way, in that time Mauritius, with a population of just one million people, 14 had local newspapers.
2013 (1) Abdol van der Merwe (2) Abel Jones (2) Alwyn Botha (2) Amanda Botha (4) Andries Botha (63) Andre Bester (3) Andre Buys (3) André de Bruyn (1) Andre de Kock

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

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The Wire Site gets a new site | The Kwêvoël
THABAZIMBI - It is with pride that Gerhard Kotze and Nelda omheuningsmateriaal their business to the Thabazimbi audience. The business has been its existence in 2009 after which they Consolidated Wire Industries acquired agency and thus their product, which includes all types of wires, poles omheunings accessories market in the Thabazimbi and Lephalale areas.
The business moved in 2013 from Centre to Thabazimbi an effort to provide better service to a broader customer base to deliver. Consolidated Wire Industries is one of the largest wire manufacturers in South Africa, whose factory is located in Vanderbijlpark.
Only SABS approved products are marketed, and the largest variety of products in bulk from The Wire Yard's premises in Thabazimbi and Lephalale continued from where it is distributed to the agricultural, mining and other sectors. Consequently, wholesale prices directly to the consumer area. They are also proud to marketers Nemtek and Stafix products, which include gate motors, electric omheuningsmateriaal and other security westfields shopping centre requirements. The Wire site has its own factory standard size gates and custom sizes, all with heavy duty material.
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