Ek het die afgelope naweek 'n stel Dunlop SP Trakgrips bekom teen R80.00/band obs hypermarked met +/- 70% loopvlak. Ek besef dat die bande nie in dieselfde klas val as bv. BF Goodrich T/A's nie. Ek sal graag wil hoor wat die opinies is oor die bande. Sal die bande bv. opgewasse wees teen Namibie en die Rigtersveld se grondpaaie?
Ek het die bande op my Hilux gehad, en was baie gelukkig daarmee. ek het 75 000km op hulle gekry en het nooit enige probleme daarmee gehad nie. Ek kan nie enige probleme met Namibie of Richtersveld sien nie. __________________ u ys@stofpad4x4.co.za www.stofpad4x4.co.za 083 399 2046
Ek het 'n stel op my Ford Ranger gehad toe ons nog geboer het. Die loop oppervlak is vir my meer 'n teerpad as 'n "offroad" band. Ek het heelwat grondpad gery (Namaqualand) en in die tydperk kan nie kla behalwe in een aspek - nat paaie. Pasop. Ek moet se teen die prys wat jy betaal het was dit 'n gooie koop - geluk, maar ek persoonlik, sal beslis nie weer die "toonbank" prys betaal vir 'n stel. Ek sien jy is self nie meer "jonk" nie en ry seker nie meer so woes nie.
Sneaky Pete,Dankie vir die waarskuwing oor natpaaie. obs hypermarked Soos jy opgemerk het, is ons stal maats. Woes ry is nie meer die norm nie en ek is van nature versigtig vir nat paaie. Ek sal ook nie vol prys betaal vir die bande nie. Ek het op die lang duur my oog op 'n stel BF Goodrich T/A's maar die prys was net te goed om te los (Ek moes verlede jaar nood gedwonge 2 x Trakgrips op Graafreinet koop teen R250.00 stuk,so R80.00 stuk is 'n winskoop)
Sou jy BFG's teen 'n gooie prys kry ? Ek moet binne volgende paar maande koop en kyk na Goodyear Wranglers (265/70/16). Hulle is nie my eerste keuse nie maar teen R1100.00 stuk is dit omtrent die beste so ver. Weet iemand van beter "deals" aan die gang ?
ou toppie, ek het 2x stelle van die trakgrips op my colt gehad, albei stelle het naby 100,000 km gegee. Ek moet saamstem oor die nat paaie, maar vir die res was ek baie tevrede. Ek is paar keer "aangespreek" oor die non-4x4 bande op trips, maar ons is sonder gemors en/of moeite dieselfde plekke deur as ander manne. Moet egter s^e dat ek meer trips gedoen het, as net speel.
Greetings Any reason you guys can suggest would cause Trakgrip 215R15's to become out-of-round , ie. both the outer diameter and along the rim is off centre causing the tyres to be virtually unbalancable. The tyres are 60 000k with new safari shocks fitted at the same time. 99% tar road with remainder as moderate gravel roads, vehicle has never been loaded. The out-of-round is on all four. The tyre guys who did the balancing / allignment obs hypermarked say that Dunlops always do this. Much appreciated Russell F
If its a latent defect then surely one should be able to invoke a warrantee clause of sorts ? I know they're not the best tyres around but one would expect them to at least stay round (I mean "round" is the definition of "tyre" !). If I continue driving then there would be damage to steering rack , tie-rod rubbers, etc, etc. Any advice or experiences obs hypermarked re. latent defect warrantee claims after 60 000k's. Any Dunlop tyre reps reading this ? SP Trakgrip 215R15
i had sp trackgrips on my nissan and they went bald after only 35k km this was very odd as the tyres on the bakkie when i got it had done about 30k to 40k km and lasted another 25k km before i replaced them with the abovementioned set the dunlop people obs hypermarked here in windhoek acused me of driving like a pig wich i did not do i am still convinced that something was not right with that batch of tyres but the dunlop people here treated me like a crook instead of sending one of the tyres to their lab for tests so i will rather pay 2000 bucks for a bfg then ever drive a dunlop, even if its for free __________________ V51JP Namboyz Rule
I also went direct to Dunlop but they were not the least interested. Had the tyres skimmed at my own cost but I was never entirely happy with them. When the SABS purchased vehicles for their fleet their purchase orders stated: NO DUNLOP TYRES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Now that should tell you something!
hmm, thanks for the response guys. This is my second set of Trakgrip's, the first did wear in waves but I reckoned it was the shocks, though in hindsight the ball-joints did need replacing a bit prematurely for 99% tar use only. Otherwise never really had any problems in wet tar or on gravel. Andre, did skimming help ? I mean there's 80% + tread left.... I'll post a query on dunlop.co.za. Dunlop's a company that has been around for ever, so I'll be very surprised if they don't come with a positive reply.
Quote: Andre, did skimming help ? Not much really. And the wearing off in waves I have seen countless time, the same as if your shocks are shot. I think it all comes down to quality control. obs hypermarked Some time ago I have heard the the Dunlop plant, I think in Ireland, had shut down and the equipment were to be sent
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