Monday, July 28, 2014

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The village of Burin is located between two of the most notorious settlements, Yitzhar and Bracha. In Burin is a young activist named Ghassan. He is the leader of Martyr Bilal Najjar the style outlets Cultural Center. Anyone who is killed by settlers or the Israeli army, is called martyrs. Ghassan has been imprisoned several times - once a year without trial. He lives at home with his parents and soldiers returned home to imprison him. He said that they overturned and destroyed inventory at the search once he was home. When we visited him in Cultural, told him that he organizes an annual kite festival for young people in the village. It is also involved young people from elsewhere. When they make kites in Palestinian the style outlets flag colors. The dragons are sent high up so that they are visible from the settlements. Then, in mid-April, he had a new idea. He blew up lots of balloons with gas, tied them together and attached Palestinian flags and posters with the words "Israel is a terrorist state" in English and Hebrew, below them. The favorable wind carried the balloons over the Bracha settlement. When the balloons approached the settlement began settlers and the army to shoot them down. This gave the Palestinian flag and posters lap.
They are dressed in white settlers, the green soldiers. The soldiers probably thought this gas was a good idea. They unleashed some tear gas grenades. Also the homes in the village. Those are some naughty ones too. Headwinds did the attack of the soldiers were not so successful. Maybe that's why the day after village refused to continue work on the way up to his fields. Ingar, Yanun
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