Sunday, October 12, 2014

Found in Jerusalem, in the second half of 2002, a stone box that would be the ossuary of James the

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Comment shopping in dublin assist Sikberto prepared by Renaldo Marks, a professor in the course of Business Administration Regional shopping in dublin Northwest University of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ (Ijuí - RS)
Jesus had a family with several brothers. Joseph, for what we know, with Maria had her second marriage, it would have viuvado first wife. Therefore, so the other half-brother of Jesus, only his father's daughter, were older than he. Soon, under the custom of the time, it was JESUS who have less power in the family, which should more respect to all , being the youngest. However, Jesus was also the firstborn of Joseph married Mary, or rather, the only Son. Actually JESUS came to the womb of Mary miraculously without human participation Joseph.
James was one of those children. Neither he nor the others believed shopping in dublin to be Jesus the Messiah, the promised to come save humanity. After all, they saw Jesus being born, growing, shopping in dublin becoming a teenager, and young adult. It was a normal person, who worked together with family, with his father Joseph. shopping in dublin Suddenly, from one moment to another, He proclaims the promised Messiah. It was indeed hard to believe in something, then exit. But we know that with time, considering the evidence, they accepted Him as Savior of the world, and themselves. Only the father Joseph did not actually see his Son as Savior, for he died before that day comes.
Of all the sons of Joseph, James became the most faithful, and wrote a letter of nature well organized and thorough. He had four brothers shopping in dublin and some sisters. "The Bible tells us that Jesus had four brothers: shopping in dublin James, Joseph, Simon and Judas (Matthew 13:55) and Matthew 12:46, Luke 8:19 and Mark 3:31 say that Jesus' mother and brothers came see Him. The Bible also tells us that Jesus had sisters, but they are not named or numbered (Matthew 13:56). In John 7: 1-10, His brothers go to the festival, but Jesus did not go with them. Acts 1:14 describes His brothers and mother praying with the disciples. Then Galatians 1:19 mentions that James was Jesus' brother "(Source:
Found in Jerusalem, in the second half of 2002, a stone box that would be the ossuary of James the brother shopping in dublin of Jesus, as the inscription on the side, saying: "James son of Joseph brother of Jesus". It is dated in the year 62 AD. Would be true, or false ossuary? After years of investigation and research, finally, in late 2009, scholars have concluded that the box is authentic, that had belonged to James, the half-brother of Jesus. Today this box worth over $ 2 million dollars, and thousands of people want to see it, so it is rare. She was found in the house of a Jew, was not found in some excavation. shopping in dublin So there was some suspicion of forgery. Was presented to the public in 2002, when the Jewish engineer Oded Golan, a businessman, antiques buff, unveiled the mysterious object to the world.
"Specialist in archeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rodrigo Pereira da Silva believes that all evidence that the ossuary was false fell to the ground. "The palaeography showed that Aramaic letters were the first century," says Professor of University Center of São Paulo (UNASP). "The first and second parts of the inscription are the same age. And the study of the patina indicates that both the coffin as the inscription shopping in dublin have two thousand years. " The teacher had the opportunity to hold him last year, when the object was already seized in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. shopping in dublin
"During the process, experts IAA tried to disqualify the ossuary, first to justify writing it in Aramaic phrase would be forged. Then they changed their minds and clung only to the stretch of the relic that was printed "brother of Jesus" - only it would be false, said.
"The rationale is that, at that time, or ossuaries contained the name of the dead or, at most, one also had her membership. Never brother's name. Professor of history of religions, André CHEVITARESE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, raises the question that points to this distrust. "The description attribute to James a certain honor and distinction for being the brother of Jesus. As if Jesus was already shopping in dublin a pop star at the time, "he says. Discussions like that punctuated the exposure of about 200 experts at trial. The participation of experts in carbon-14, archeology, biblical history, paleography (analysis of the writing style of the time), geology, biology and microscopy tests turned the Israeli court in a stage of semi

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