Wednesday, October 22, 2014

In the times of the apostles, Christ was with them. Then came the time of the HOLY SPIRIT, is a lit

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Comment assist Sikberto prepared by Renaldo Marks, a professor in the course of Business Administration Regional Northwest University of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ (Ijuí - RS)
This week we will study something about the HOLY SPIRIT. It seems that the Holy Spirit acts in a gentle way, like a breeze, submissive to the Father and to the Son, although equal authority. He is God, as the other two members of the Trinity. He has acted in crucial moments. That's when at least realize more of His manifestation. For example, end times, the action of the Holy Spirit is crucial for completing the work begun by Jesus.
Not much is known about this member of the Trinity, the Bible does not reveal much information about him. What does the Holy Spirit? "The aditya birla retail Lord Jesus acts through the Holy Spirit; This is because His representative. Through Him, the soul infuses spiritual life, vivifying energies for good, purifying it of moral corruption and enabling aditya birla retail it to His kingdom. Jesus has great blessings to bestow, rich gifts to distribute among men. It is the wonderful Counselor, infinite in wisdom and strength; and, if we recognize the power of His Spirit aditya birla retail and we submit to be molded by Him, we are complete in Him. That thought is this! In Christ "dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead; and you are complete in Him. " aditya birla retail Col. 2: 9 and 10 Never the human heart know happiness until you submit to be molded by God's Spirit. The Spirit conforms the renewed with the model, Jesus Christ soul. Through the influence of the Spirit, the enmity against God becomes faith and love, pride into humility. The soul perceives the beauty of truth, and Christ is honored in excellence and perfection of character. When making up these changes, angels aditya birla retail break forth in rapturous aditya birla retail song, and God and Christ rejoice in the molded souls the divine likeness "(Messages to Young People, p. 17, 55 and 56).
As the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is also a humble servant. The members of the Trinity, is always a servant of the other two, and they are servants of the creatures. It is the logic of the kingdom of God, where the law of all is love; so in that kingdom all are servants of one another. Love, to be superior standard requires that if all help that is available to each other, otherwise it is in our world, where everyone, with few exceptions, want to dominate over others. We can rely on the Holy Spirit as the disciples could count on JESUS.
What it was when Christ aditya birla retail was on earth, the Holy Spirit would remain in place the great Teacher. The only difference between SPIRIT and JESUS is the substitute is invisible among us. It is a guide for eternity, to Newfoundland. Say He is the heavenly ambassador between us, to teach us about how lovely life there. He makes us understand the Bible and reminds us what we have already aditya birla retail learned it.
"Only those who read the Scriptures as the voice of God speaking to them are true disciples. His voice trembling, for it is them living reality. Open thought to the divine instruction, and pray for grace to obtain training for service. aditya birla retail To be the celestial torch put into his hands, the seeker of truth sees the weakness that had the disease, its complete impotence to promote justice itself. aditya birla retail See that there is in it nothing that recommends before God. Now the Holy Spirit, the representative of Christ, to serve you constant aditya birla retail guide to lead you into all truth. Repeats the promise, aditya birla retail "The Comforter, aditya birla retail the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things." John 14:26 "(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 450).
"The promise aditya birla retail of the Comforter showed them a wonderful truth. He encouraged them not to lose faith even under the most difficult circumstances. aditya birla retail The Holy Spirit, sent in the name of Christ should teach them all things, and bring all to memory. The Holy Spirit was Christ's representative, the lawyer who is constantly seeking for the fallen race. He prays that the spiritual power is given unto him, that by the power of Him who is stronger than all the enemies of God and man, they can overcome their spiritual enemies "(Reflecting Christ, MM 1986, 121).
In the times of the apostles, Christ was with them. Then came the time of the HOLY SPIRIT, is a little different; actually better. He is able to dwell in our hearts; this means transforming ourselves entirely, or rather recreating us to be new creatures. Not only is it an improvement or reform is radical change, a nature pecad

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