Monday, February 17, 2014

Facebook masys should make an effort to keep the young wearable masys computing trend gains momen

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Facebook masys should make an effort to keep the young wearable masys computing trend gains momentum with Google Glass and The Smart Watch giant corporations want to connect masys to the Internet everything that is around, and forecasts 9 high - tech new year
Facebook will begin the year 2014 with more than 1.2 billion masys registered users, but the biggest social network can not rest on our laurels. masys In the past year Facebook tried to recover the issuance of its widely publicized, caused investors - the first time - and aggravation. In the past year Facebook has been able to produce for itself engines of growth and improve revenue line and the stock shot up by about 145% in 2013.
Despite financial success, conversations with analysts in late October, after the release of the last quarterly report, masys ending spirit rather negative. Facebook India talked about what the industry average for a few weeks - the social network of Mark Zuckerberg not do it for the young. Yes, they are still there, registered and present, but when it comes to their activity level - this is the graph that is in decline.
Facebook is not the only option long ago youth. Young chirp on Twitter, send pictures in Snapchat and use a series of instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp. All these provide masys a comfortable cushion for young people in their social activities - they find more relevant content where there is also an added bonus - Most parents left behind, that is Facebook.
It will be interesting to monitor closely and see how Zuckerberg and his team manage to create value for consumers from their young. Important not only because they specifically they will be part of the largest social network in the world, but that many advertisers prefer to turn precisely this age range. When advertisers internalize the scope of abandonment, they may pass their budgets elsewhere. masys
Wearable computing trend is expected to gain momentum in 2014. One of the most intriguing items in this area is the smart glasses - Google Glass - arrive during the year Best Buy stores in the U.S.. Google earlier this year chose 8,000 people were given the option to purchase glasses for $ 1,500, while in recent weeks it allows other developers to purchase the product.
Another company is active in the field of American masys Meta Israeli entrepreneur Miron Gribetz. The company's glasses allow extended experience reality through their lenses. Component glasses can see a simulation masys of his smartphone when he looks at hand and perform masys various functions when the phone is physically elsewhere. The company has already started early sale of glasses, named Meta Pro, for $ 3,000.
Even smart watches will strengthen in the coming year. Companies like Samsung, Sony and Pawel has been launched to market products of this kind, but the real breakthrough has not yet occurred. During the first months of the year, Samsung will launch the Galaxy Gear in its second generation, Sony will launch another smart watch Apple may introduce the iWatch in question masys and change the rules in this area.
Smart watches now offer phone calls, read text messages, emails, Facebook messages, view incoming calls and even the option to make voice commands, but still, the batteries require masys improvement, just a nice interface design is not always enough elegant.
One of the great promises masys of 2014 and the years that follow - is the Internet of Things (Internet Of Things). Vision - or big hype - connect (nearly) all databases - from consumer electronics products for clothing items and medical devices, to motors and tools. What started two decades ago connecting personal computers to the Internet, the phone kept connecting to the network and will expand in the near future any product masys that can make it of wisdom "through the processor and wireless communication component.
The practical significance is awarding masys "IQ" products around us. Ability to transmit different masys data - basic parameters such as power consumption and temperature indicators to complex production lines - from consumer electronics, will allow aggregation of data in huge databases. Examples? The mobile phone will notify us when the toaster is finished to make the toast for dinner, and the car will know which way to more jammed simply because the road "tell" her.
The connection of all these advanced masys components masys to each other and analysis options for data produced from them are supposed to change almost every industry there is. No wonder then, that the list of companies entered the field with impressive announcements in 2013 can be found in high - tech companies such as Intel, Cisco, EMC and IBM, industrial companies such as GE, suppliers of medical equipment and military, and much more. Name all last year the connection between the components on their roadmap.
Intel estimated that 3.8 billion masys devices will be connected to the grid in 2015, and in various research can have numbers that range from 10-75 billion in -3/5/7 years. Even the monetary value of the market is in question and the numbers range from tens of billions to trillions of dollars in a decade or two, depending on who you ask.
Company estimated masys a month ago to Frost & Sullivan research that this market should begin to matter really the corporate computing masys professionals in the coming year. The potential audience is anyone who sells or buys products related to cloud, sensors, data analysis of a large volume (Big Data) and wireless mobility infrastructure data.
Who dreams refrigerator notify him soon milk over - will have to continue to wait, because in the near term will be on the biggest masys beneficiaries of corporate computing with many chips, masys communications equipment and software required Smart Lift

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