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About the Book esk Antonn Rejcha composer (1770-1836) psobc in France and Austria became famous in the art SVM also like experimenttor, theorist tvc en vivo and teacher using. Dkazem it is also 36 Fugues tvc en vivo for klavr that we could somehow attic for tempering klavr new time stavjc tradin Baroque form of the fugue on a completely new Fundamentals. The first vydných tto mimodn sbrk landed in Vdni in 1803 vlastnmnkladem Au Magasin de lImprimerie by EMC and contained dedicatee bse J . Haydn and rozshlou pedmluvu, vn Rejcha advocated uit rhythmic and harmonic zvltnosti SVCH kompozinch procedure. Vydných species (VDE 1805) included its short theoretical treatise tvc en vivo ber das neue Fugensystem in the form of polemics reagujc to vtky critic, among which only Patil nap. Ludwig van Beethoven. Rejcha fugues pehodnotily whole range of usage, eg. Guide to MEBT exponovn jakmkoliv interval; nen them respektovno rule maximlnho nNew range fugovho TMAT or poadavek its irregular construction , Some fugues include introdukn sec or two stdaj type rate. Six Fugues on the psno vypjen TMAT (Haydn, Bach, Mozart, Scarlatti, Frescobaldi, Hndel).
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