Saturday, March 15, 2014

Slovak cinematography begins pronounced artistic profile at the beginning of the sixties, when film

FANTOMblog :: News :: Cinematic portraits Stanislav Barabas: Song of the Gray Pigeon and Bells for bare
Slovak cinematography begins pronounced artistic profile at the beginning of the sixties, when film directors generation Stefan Uher follows European aafes jobs modernism and become one of the sources of the birth of the Czechoslovak New Wave. Stanislav Barabas, a member of that generation, initiated in Slovakia film culture a new look at guerrilla themes, use it as a floor plan for lyricism, symbolism and mysticism. His debut song of the Gray Pigeon aafes jobs (1961) aafes jobs largely follows the edge of the queue in terms of children's heroes. Bells for the Discalced (1965) are absurd view of the war, wandering through two partisans and German prisoners.
Song of the Gray Pigeon is very finely divided into six short stories - transitions constitute only Faders / roztmievačky, the viewer is not strictly (eg medzititulkami) alerted the episodic narrative. Moreover, the connections between the stories main characters and themes, aafes jobs and so may be more appropriate to speak of loosened before the structure of stories. aafes jobs The film begins with fly-wild pigeons to the country aafes jobs boy Vinco hurt him and his younger friend Rudko him injury. Pigeon in his eyes mystical medium continuation of relationships with different people during the uprising which recognizes and impress him - it means they want after the war circulate letters. In conclusion Rudko die minefield, pigeon departs from him, leaves the country. In the film Dove (Frantisek Vlacil, 1960) Dove worked as a bond between a boy and a girl, or East and West, as a symbol of freedom and peace. In Barabášová film such links only boy's dream of wild pigeons does not happen post.
Milan boy, the son of Major and activists in the uprising, aafes jobs appears to be in the eyes of other children angels. The fact that this figure recorded by a female aafes jobs voice, gets into more abstract position. Likewise with Milan's father - in his race car is moving background emphasized with rear projection, staging is definitely delayed from its realism, character acquires heroic charge. Consequently, it appears that the major with honors for valor, admired by his son and other children is a coward. The question remains whether the anjelskosť his son was only virtual flash. Local teacher, member of the Hlinka Guard, "open your eyes" and joins the rebellion. In an extreme situation, however, reaches aafes jobs for guardians uniform and takes place on the German side - heroism again only illusory flashes through. Exceptionally maintain Partizanka Russian aafes jobs Natasha, thanks to its victim, the one woman can safely born child. Natasha aafes jobs postpartum diverting German soldiers snowy landscape, the mystical aafes jobs death horizon. Here, the film acquires the Christian connotations, death and birth is linked singing boys, carol singers, who at Christmas announces the birth of Christ. And one of the German soldiers aafes jobs can not put up with Natasha's death, it is reborn to humanity.
Song of the Gray Pigeon allowed within the history of Slovak cinematography leadership in the use of the structure of stories, but in many ways revolutionary. Film Peter Solan and Francis Žáček Devil Sleeps 1956 consisted of three short stories which, although associated satirical theme, characters and scenes intermezzo, but compared Barabášová film were strictly predeľované, every story could work alone as a short film. Song of the Gray Pigeon needs your stories for consistent structure that shaped the tumble feature film in a modern spirit. Perhaps in no other film does not place Barabbas so prudent emphasis on photographic camera aafes jobs vigor. His second film Trio Angelos (1963) uses a relatively innovative imaging procedures (flash motion in view of Salta, overexposed stopzábery and retrospectives), experimentálnosťou moved away from the impression precise image, which is typical for Song of gray pigeon. It is also used, let's say experimental elements, but an audience of fairness: for example, in the application of certain moments are the images of normal length vstrihnuté images with few windows or tilt the camera as a dramatic expression vyhrotenosti. Somewhere we will meet with installation aafes jobs following the procedure of the Soviet aafes jobs avant-garde film. This is clearly seen in the scene when the teacher aafes jobs potrestáva Rudka rod - It passes to the fore and evocative rhythm of editing, realism is suppressed.
The theme of this movie is very vague, it carries the theme of freedom, innocence, desires and illusions. Bells for Barefoot in the inner layer are clearly thematically. On the surface, functioning as the image of the meaninglessness of war. Noncommissioned officer Andrew and Stašek partisan interests of German soldier boy Hansa snow-capped mountains and wander to find staff and submitted prisoner. On this ground the winding of absurdity, but inside lurks the myth of the road to death. Barabas uses motifs (precisely those absurd), which is trying to warn us that the story we have seen as a factual picture of the rational world. On

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