Tuesday, August 12, 2014

During my visits maks and spencer I have been asking children maks and spencer how they

Walking the path
The last three or four weeks have been quite busy, with lots of visits usually with children and young people in schools and other settings. As I went from one visit to the next, I wonder how many of the children were suffering from snort, cough and colds. No surprise then that I am writing this after suffering from a sore throat that has left me without a voice at a time! One of the dangers of the work of the children 'they told me, although I also have other jokes that lost voice can be a blessing!
During my visits maks and spencer I have been asking children maks and spencer how they're going to school. Are they walking, cycling, going on the bus or get a lift in a car? I decided to do this to help inform subsequent meeting I was about to have with Edwina Hart, the Minister of Transport, the Welsh Government consultation undertaken on the draft guidance for walking routes to school as part of The Active Travel.
When I went to give evidence for this in writing, I tried to make the point that the walkways that are well lit and marked as "safe" in risk assessment by local authorities, but it was not all time means that children feel secure in using them. I am delighted that Edwina Hart has heard that message, and that she is now consulting for us to give correct guidance to local authorities.
So what do children have been saying to me over the past few weeks? Well, they said, while walking to school, the most important thing was that the route is safe. That meant that paths are well lit in the dark, and not have to cross any busy roads without crossing safely or without the help of someone maks and spencer with a big lollipop, but it also means that the path not taken them through just as forest areas, parks, maks and spencer or along paths hidden behind houses. A They spoke also about having to walk through areas that are known for anti-social behavior or where people take drugs or get together to drink. maks and spencer Many of them said their parents would not let them walk if they could give them a lift, but sometimes that's not possible.
In discussion, one of the children told me iy that whoever decided that the route is safe "walking the path, not just talk about it". I liked that very much, so I asked why that matters. The answer I got was, if adults are walking the path at the times of day children have to do, they would understand how difficult areas only and can make children feel unsafe.
I'm sure there are others that would like to make about their children walk to school, and now I've had my follow-up meeting with Edwina Hart I know that the Welsh Government is keen to hear from as many children as possible during the consultation. I've decided to set a task to all my schools across Wales Great Ambassadors during January, to gather their views on how safe children feel when walking to school. The information we collect is fed directly to colleagues in the Welsh Government to inform their guidance for local authorities on risk assessments walks to school.
This is a great opportunity for children to have their voice heard, so that those carrying out the risk assessments are "walking the path". If you would like to be part of this, look at a particular section of my website Ambassadors Wonderful tasks during January. maks and spencer
Memorial Road, Bro Banws Llanelli, Ammanford Abertillery Comprehensive School Hafod Primary School, Swansea Primary School, Abertillery Blaenau Gwent Youth Forum Project Family Ni, Millbank Primary School Gwynedd Merthyr Tydfil Youth Forum Herbert Thompson Primary School, Cardiff Primary School Iolo Morgannwg, the Bont stumbling maks and spencer
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